Just Two Friends Who Like To Talk About Serums.

Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 87: Snail Mail and Family Matters

This week Kate and Doree offer advice to someone striving to set boundaries with a relative while also supporting them, share a caller's lip care tip, and hear from people with advice for a young listener who's struggling to keep in touch with long-distance friends after a big move.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 86: The Kids Are All Right

Listeners respond to questions about seasonal affective disorder, what to do when your boss calls you a pushover, and whether to go to grad school far away from your parents. Plus, we hear from perhaps our youngest listener yet, and hear a request to eliminate the word “purge” from our podcast vocabulary.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 85: Soft Lips and Dry Scalps

On this week’s mini-episode Kate and Doree share listeners’ tips and tricks for combatting dry, itchy scalps, hear from a listener worried about air pollution affecting their health, and discuss the best lip masks and balms to keep your lips soft and supple all winter long. Plus: A Trader Joe’s beauty product shout out!

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 84: Nip It in the Bud

Doree and Kate hear from listeners attending a concert together in Los Angeles, read an email from a listener dealing with homesickness, share self-care tips for nurses sent in by nurse listeners, and discuss how to handle a boss’s relentless criticism.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 83: Boob for Thought

Doree and Kate hear from listeners with suggestions about clogged milk ducts, distracting hobbies, and self-confidence, and they give advice to a listener who wants to sell her engagement ring and one who is dealing with a very itchy scalp.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 82: Follow-Ups and Follow-Throughs

Doree and Kate receive an email from a previous caller who said she doesn’t reach out to friends, get a follow-up email from the woman who’s friend kissed her crush on NYE, dole out some dupe recs, and lend advice to a listener wondering how to move after a negative email from an old friend.

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Mini-Ep 80: Afternoon Delight

Doree and Kate hear from a listener about their favorite vibrator, lend advice to an archaeologist wondering how to approach their skincare routine as an afternoon shower-er, and give tips to a mom with young children who wants to make time for self-care.

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Mini-Ep 79: Down in the Dumps

Doree and Kate hear from several listeners regarding the use of the abbreviation “thx”, lend advice to a listener wondering how to organize their space whilst living with roommates, and receive a voicemail from someone who was dumped via PDF.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 77: Toners and Serums and Scrubs, Oh My

Kate and Doree hear from several listeners about their Trader Joe’s skincare faves, further discuss prioritizing friendships, offer advice to a listener feeling let down by a friend after a BRCA1 diagnosis, and receive many, many messages from listeners who have also peed whilst sleeping.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 76: Thank You For Being A Friend

Doree and Kate get a voicemail from a UK caller who beautifully sings the Golden Girls theme song, hear from a few listeners in response to the person whose partner is transitioning, receive several responses regarding the previous caller who admitted they don’t make plans, and lend advice to a mom who’s wondering how to handle the fear of what her future will hold once she becomes an empty-nester.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 74: Floss Leaders

Doree and Kate hear from a listener who also believes sheet masks are overrated, receive several emails about flossing and oral care (one from an actual dentist!), discuss different kinds of grief, the joys of the FODMAP diet, and lend advice to someone who’s wondering how to focus on self-care after their mom’s cancer diagnosis.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 73: Toners and Tribulations

Kate and Doree hear from a listener living a real-life cozy mystery, get a few exfoliant reccs, discuss scar remedies, and answer the age old question: WTF is toner? Plus they reminisce about old tween clothing stores and their favorite mall shops of yesteryear.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 72: Relationship Roles

Doree and Kate receive a nostalgic email about the Singles building, hear from a listener about their lack of initiating hangouts, give recs for getting over a breakup, and advise someone wondering how to support their husband who recently came out as trans.

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Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast Mini-Episodes Forever 35 Podcast

Mini-Ep 70: How Do You Dupe

Doree and Kate receive an email about childhood passions and reading for pleasure, discuss product dupes, hear from someone who’s started dancing daily (thanks to Liz Gilbert!), and give advice to a listener about how to maintain friendships.

To leave a voicemail for a future episode, call 781-591-0390. You can also email the podcast at forever35podcast@gmail.com.

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Mini-Ep 69: Girls Just Wanna Have Pun

Doree and Kate get some follow-ups about body acne, hear from a listener who’s finally living her best life in her 40s, discuss regional dialect differences, receive a voicemail from someone wondering how to celebrate their body, and lend advice to someone with roommate issues.

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Mini-Ep 68: Body Acne Struggles with Priyanka Mattoo

Former F35 guest Priyanka Mattoo comes on this week’s episode to help Kate and Doree respond to listener questions. Priyanka answers someone who wants to know how she’s managing her life now that she has a second child, and then they hear listener suggestions for how to deal with body acne and encourage someone to brag about themselves in their bio.

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