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Mini-Ep 316: I Wear My Sunglasses At Night

Doree and Kate announce some summer news and Kate puts the call out for your best summer entertainment suggestions. Then, they hear the best and brightest suggestions for sunglasses, a question about Covid aftercare, and how to manage all the “cups” of your life. 

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Kate: Hello, and welcome to Forever35, a podcast about the things we do to take care of ourselves. I am Kate Spencer

Doree: And I am Doree Shafrir

Kate: And we are not experts.

Doree: We are not, but we are two friends who like to talk a lot about serums.

Kate: And this is a mini episode where we hear from you. We share your comments and your thoughts, and we answer your questions to the best of ability.

Doree: And please remember we are podcast host. We're not experts. And we always encourage you to seek support first and foremost, from a medical and or mental health professional as needed.

Kate: If you would like to reach us, you can leave a say, voicemail or a text message 781 591 0390, and you can email us at 35 podcast,

Doree: And do visit our website for links to everything we mentioned on the show, you can follow us. We're on Instagram at forever35podcast. We are on Twitter at forever35pod, and you can join the forever five Facebook group, The password to serums and sign up for our newsletter at Oh, you can also shop all the products that we mentioned on the

Kate: Well, why don't we kick things off here with a little summer announcement?

Doree: Yeah, let's do it.

Kate: The ultimate act of self care is what Doree and I have decided to give ourselves,

Doree: We're taking a vacation, we're taking a break.

Kate: We are taking a break from podcasting, but the podcast is not taking a break.

Doree: So Kate. And I like to do this thing every summer where each of us schedules a vacation without talking to the other person <laugh> and then it turns out that we have scheduled our vacations at the exact opposite times. <laugh>

Kate: why we do this, This so funny.

Doree: This also happened last year. So like, I will schedule a vacation for the first, like half of July and Kate will schedule it for like the second half of July. And then like, we'll be like, oh, by the way, I'm gonna be out like, blah, blah, blah, these days. And then Kate's like, oh, well I'm gonna be out these dates. And then we're like, oh, huh, okay, what are we gonna do? And so, you know, in the past, we've kind of like one person has covered and we've like banked episodes and had some guest hosts and et cetera, et cetera. And then this year I was like, yeah. Now why don't we just take the whole month off?

Kate: How did we come up with this? Like, we, we were like trying to figure out how we were gonna balance it again, which also one of the hilarious parts about our July vacations is that we go to the same place. Oh yeah. We both go to the Massachusetts new England area.

Doree: Yes, totally.

Kate: So we're like ships in the night.

Doree: We are. It's funny. No, I think, I think I was just like, Kate let's take the whole month off. I think that was how it

Kate: Happened. And I was like, oh, Lalu

Doree: Yeah. You were like, Oh Yeah. Okay. And we just kind of figured out a way that we could make it work, which is we are going to bank some episodes. So

Kate: What does it mean Doree? When we bank episodes, what does that

Doree: Mean? It means that so our regular recording schedule is we record three episodes a week and they go up usually within like four days of our recording. When you bank episodes, you are recording them ahead of time, more ahead of time. So we are recording a bunch of episodes before we go on vacation and they will get kind of parceled out over the course of two weeks. So, um, we have some ex we have some like fun stuff, some fun like theme stuff planned for some of the episodes while we're away. But, um, there will be new episodes for the first half of July. And then the second half of July, we are going to be running some reruns of some of our FA episodes with some real, all star guests. Not that all, not that all of our guests are not all stars, but we think you're really gonna enjoy re-listening to these. Or maybe you didn't catch them the first time around and you'll be able to just listen for the first time,

Kate: Which is possible because one thing that often happens is someone will reach out to us and be like, I have a guest suggestion. This person would be the most amazing guest to talk about this thing that you both talk about. And then I get to write back or respond and say, we've had them on check out episode dot, dot dot, because we have interviewed a lot of people over the last four and a half years. That's true. It's a bit mind boggling when you think about it.

Doree: It really is not to like pat ourselves on the back or anything, but, but

Kate: We

Doree: Can, I know we can a little bit. Um, so yeah, so that's, that's what we're I think Kate and I, well, look, I don't wanna speak for Kate. I'll say I really need a break. I need a physical break. And I think it will be really good for both of us to just have this time little pod free and then we will come back refreshed and ready to go. Yeah, that's it? Yeah.

Kate: I think one, one thing too, that's tricky about podcasting and taking, taking quote vacations is that you can, and when you work for yourself, I think it's especially hard to kind of set a boundary, you know, like you and I have gone on quote vacation and we'll still be doing podcast stuff while we're on vacation, because we can like, we, we can literally record podcasts from our phones. We can, you know, check documents. We can do all sorts of those things. And so I do think there have been times where we haven't we've technically been on a break, but we haven't truly had an, the ability to pause, um, work. Yes. And I have definitely reached a point where, although, you know what, we did do this for ourselves last summer where we like kind of each covered, like we, yes, we covered for each other. Each took a yes. And we each took like a full break off meaning like, please don't contact me about podcast stuff. Unless like the podcast is burning, which is impossible because it's an audio. So it's a podcast. Um, but I think, I think we need long, like frankly. I mean, I, I think that we will both really benefit from like mentally getting a little time off

Doree: From life. I agree.

Kate: Like we're both counting the days, which is hilarious because in doing this, we've added way more work. <laugh> about our schedules

Doree: Leading up to it.

Kate: Yes. Up like every day we are just, we are doing a lot, but I think it will be worth it. So, uh, we thank you in advance for, um, supporting us as we take the month of July off.

Doree: Yeah. Huh. Well, yeah. Oh, and also I should mention the newsletter will also be on hiatus for the month of July

Kate: And probably also our Instagram.

Doree: Yeah. We're just going dark sort of like we'll still be

Kate: Publishing sort podcast

Doree: Will still be coming out, but we will be away.

Kate: Well, you know, like Brene brown, I think took three months off from her podcast. Mm-hmm

Doree: <affirmative> I didn't know that, but that's cool.

Kate: Busy Phillips and Casey St. Orange over at, um, busy Phillips is doing her best. Had a really interesting conversation about this, that like, it is a privilege to be able to take to just be like, I'm not gonna work for these three months. Like when you know, other folks can't just step away and do that. So I thought that was an interesting conversation. If anybody wants to find it, but Brene brown, I believe like shut down her podcast for three months. Um, and we will still be chugging along.

Doree: Wow.

Kate: Look, Brene is just living bravely. How, what does Brene say? What say that's what she's always doing. I don't know. She's always living bravely. She's always dealing with shame. She's always doing something empowering and you know what she should be doing coming on this podcast as a guest.

Doree: Wow. Okay. I like what you did there, right? Yeah.

Kate: It was a good segue. And we would love to have BNE brown on as a guest. I'm sorry. She's always daring greatly. That's what she's doing. Daring. She's

Doree: Daring greatly, greatly daring. Great.

Kate: And she's rising strong and she's braving the wilderness. She's doing all those things.

Doree: Wow. She is doing so many things. Well, Kate, I know you wanted to put out a call for some recommendations. I believe

Kate: I, I thought it would be fun to re share an episode with recommendations of, or excuse me. I thought it would be fun to have a couple episodes where we talk about summer pop culture consumption. What are you and I, and our listeners reading, watching, listening to, what is your song of the summer? What is your book of the summer, your TV show, your movie, your podcast. What have you, and we cane a nice little list of all these goodies to kind get you is a special time to consume pop culture. It's a little bit different time of the year. This is very, and I should say this is a very hemisphere specific thing because our friends, oh

Doree: Yeah, that's true. That's

Kate: True. In other parts of the world are not having summer right now. So this is coming from our, our Northern of

Doree: View, our Northern hemisphere privilege.

Kate: Shout out to the no hemps because it's summer for us right now. So, uh, but, but even if you are not in summer, I still just love that kind of, you know, every six months compiling what people are really into, what's capturing your attention. Yeah. What can't you put down? What can't you turn off? I, I love learning these things. So reach out to us. 7 8 1 5 9 1 0 3 9 0 text voicemail, email us at forever five podcast, I would love, love to know. And I'm also excited to share.

Doree: Okay.

Kate: Well, you know, you were saying before we recorded that you haven't really kind of sat down and watched a movie in a while. So

Doree: Yes, yes, yes. I was saying that.

Kate: Yeah. So I'm excited for some movie chat because Anthony and I just started watching one. That's fantastic.

Doree: Hmm. Wait, you say, started, you say started watching one. Do you not watch a whole movie in one go? Well,

Kate: We normally do, but this is rrr, which is on Netflix and it's three hours. So we started it at like nine 30 at night and watched yeah. He and I both need to go to bed early. So, um, and then I'm very excited about the summer I turned pretty, which is a new Netflix series based on Jenny Han's books. I mean, there's a lot out there that I'm feeling excited about. So let's get into it. Also. There are songs I'm liking,

Doree: I'm excited to hear all about them.

Kate: Like Calvin Harris's new song with Dua Lipa's really good. And I didn't wanna like it, but I like it.

Doree: Well, look at that.

Kate: He showed me, Calvin Harris showed, showed

Doree: You,

Kate: Well, Doree, let's take a break. And when we come back we're gonna talk about sunglasses. We started talking about and people had opinions. What a shock.

Doree: We'll all right. We are back.

Kate: So we had someone reach out and ask what we wearing for sunglasses. And I mentioned, um, goodr, G O O D R, which is a sunglass brand that I love. I have a ton of them. Um, you know, they, the price kind of ranges starting around $25, which has been very great anyway. So we got some feedback on those, which I thought was very interesting.

Text: Hi, Kat and Dor. Had to drop a text while listening to the pod. As Kate just mentioned, goodr sunglasses, and I'm a diehard fan. Kate was suggesting them to Doree for her tennis fit. And I just wanted to note that you can put prescriptions in them. My physical therapist uses their frames as her regular glasses. I don't know how you go about that because I only use their sunnys as is, but just FYI, it's doable. They have blue light glasses, too side note. I own them and bonus they're local to LA.

Doree: Oh, I did not know that.

Kate: Have you found tennis sunglasses yet?

Doree: Kate? I have not.

Kate: Okay. I, I I'm, I'm, I'm tempted to also just like make you a pair of goodrs, but I dunno your prescription lens number, but these are so lightweight. They're the best. I just love them.

Doree: Wait. So I would have to sort of like after market these, um, The prescription,

Kate: I imagine you would get the frames, pop out the lenses that are in them and then have like go your local crafters. Costco. It probably will. <laugh>

Doree: <laugh>

Kate: I, there has to be a nice, lightweight glass, sporty glasses at my favorite Costco. I wear spot. I, the next time I roll into Costco, I'm gonna go too to loo around and see what I find. Would

Doree: You would do that for me?

Kate: Yeah, I really would. I'll let you know, because I, I also believe that anyone can use Costco for, um, I stuff. I don't think you have to have a me and I know you have a membership.

Doree: We, we have a membership,

Kate: So all, well, I need to load up on my bags of cucumbers, so I will be there soon and I will let you know.

Doree: All right, please let know

Kate: We had another gooder comment Doree. Um, this person wrote,

Text: Just listen to the May 23rd ep. And you mentioned breaking goodr sunglasses.

Kate: Yes, I did. Cuz that's what I do.

Text: And that they're cheap enough to replace however good or has an amazing replacement policy. They make it so easy. Keep the broken ones and complete their online form. You'll need photo evidence for a free replacement. They even send replacement lenses to reduce plastic waste. If your frames are in good shape, love the pod. Thanks for making it.

Doree: Okay. That's cool.

Kate: Yeah. This is especially cool because this is where I have destroyed. My good or sunglasses is with scratching up lenses. So, oh, this is interesting. I need to look into this. I don't wanna, okay. Excuse me. I don't want to take advantage

Doree: Of this replacement policy, but I am curious. I'm gonna look into it. Please keep us posted.

Kate: This has basically become a good or fan podcast.

Kate: <laugh> they? Did they ever sponsor the show?

Kate: No, no, no. They have no, I don't think to my knowledge, they have no idea that we've talked about that. Yeah, I don't think right. Okay. They, they do not know. No, no. They've never sponsored. We've had had some glasses. Um, glasses company sponsor us. Yes, yes. Gooder. Not yet though. Maybe after they hear this fangirling, they'll be they'll come running.

Doree: Maybe. Maybe they will. Um, alright. Kate, someone else wrote.

Text: my absolute favorite sunglasses that look good on everyone are the Sonal Sonal from tribal eyes and you can get them prescription. It's a woman owned small business, which is also why I wholly support them.

Doree: Okay.

Kate: Okay. Noted.

Doree: tribal eyes. I'm in intrigued tribal eyes. <laugh> why genuine.

Doree: Okay. Tribal eyes,

Kate: if you don't know if you're younger than us, we're uh, singing a hall out song. Yeah. Private eyes. Wait, what is it now? Prize. Private eyes. Yeah. She's watching you. Okay. Thank you. There we go. Um, who would you, who would you hook up with? Hall or oats.

Doree: Oh, that's a tough one. Kate probably hall.

Kate: is hall. The blonde.

Doree: Darrell. Well, I don't think either of them is still a blonde, but um, yes, he was the blonde.

Kate: I kinda think I'm into oats.

Doree: Okay. Well that's good.

Kate: Good for my cholesterol. Good for my cholesterol. I mean, oats does have that stash and that thick Cury eighties hair that goes down like that. Beautiful shaped helmet hair that, well, see I neck.

Doree: Are you talking like, are we hooking up with the eighties Darrell hall donuts or are we hooking up with 2022 Darrell hall donuts?

Kate: Definitely eighties, eighties, right. Or do you wanna do 2022 hall notes? No, not, I mean, not really no offense to them. Oh no, because I'm looking at a, I'm looking at a picture and I'm, I'm definitely going back in time. I'm not doing the present day all.

Doree: same, same. Um, okay, well, thank you for that rec. Thank you for all of these recs. I am going, I'm gonna investigate this. I'm really I'm make it a priority. In the meantime, let's hear a voicemail.

Voicemail: Hi, Kate and Doree. I hope that y'all are having a great week. I wanted to call just to, um, I guess thank you for one thing and offer perspective on, uh, on the same thing as well. Um, regarding the sunglasses conversation, I actually had been a new pair and uh, just bought them, um, secondly, uh, on the comment about, um, not getting super pricey ones because of the tendency to, or misplace them. I used to subscribe to that as well. When I had cheaper sunglasses, I would lose them all the time. And so I was very reticent to buy a nice pair, but I had wanted and wanted for years, a pair of Tom Ford sunglasses, which are very pricey and I was terrified that I would lose them. But, um, I finally decided, you know what, I'm gonna do it. And so I got up here and I guess maybe cause they were so nice and I had won them for so long. I've had them for years now and I've never once on wood left them anywhere or flip, kinda flip side to the bio cheaper ones in case you lose them, might be the perspective of go and make the investment. And then you'll actually, you know, be careful with them and, um, have them for a really long time. Um, I have, and it's, you know, I worth the investment cause like I said, I've literally had them for years and just thought I would share that as well. Um, and um, and if you designer, um, I actually also found, um, and that, um, I haven't bought yet that has just been scoping out and you can get, you know, either new or on, you know, they're very good about saying what the condition is. So if you wanna an investment pair, that's a way to get one that's a little less expensive than buying anyway, just a chair, take care. Byebye.

Doree: I wish I could say that having an expensive pair of glasses or sunglasses has prevented me from losing them.

Kate: Yeah, it had that hasn't worked for me. Um, I will lose them, lose them at their $500 or $5. They will go away. I will say I do love a secondhand pair of glasses from posh mark or from the real reel. I also love scrounging around a Nordstrom rack for some sunglasses. I found a really great pair of Celine sunglasses at a Nordstrom rack and it's like one of my proudest shopping moments.

Doree: Okay.

Kate: I also just wanted to say I am on the tribal eyes website and I want every pair of frames on this, on this site. These are some good frames. They're really good. Some really, really nice, big, bold frames. I'm now thank you Lister. Now, now I'm gonna be buying a pair of these and they, and they are, would be, I would think like a statement, you know, pricey pair of glasses. So this is a new, this is exciting for me. Thank you very much for this brand.

Doree: All right. Um, well Kate, shall we take another short break?

Kate: Let's do It.

Doree: Okay.

Kate: Okay. Well we've got a COVID question, um, which I felt inclined to answer because this has been on my mind lately. Uh, someone texted us and they said,

Text: so my whole household caught COVID last week. And after a week of misery, I was actually feeling pretty good this past Tuesday, then yesterday on Thursday, started of breath and lightheaded. Kate, did you experience any regression in how felt when you lingering? What were your best self care tips during the recuperation process when you're testing negative, but still aren't quite a hundred percent. I secretly thought I could Dodge it forever because we were being so careful.

Kate: Well, I have a lot of thoughts about this. Um, I also secretly thought I could Dodge it. Not because I was being the most careful, but because I hadn't gotten it in two years and I was like, maybe there's something special about me and the truth is I don't, there's not because I got it. Uh, but I do think ultimately chances are good that it's going to get most of us. Right. Like eventually we're gonna get COVID um, to answer your questions about my specific experience. I didn't have regression, um, just for full transparency. I took PAC SLBI. I did not have APAC rebound. I tested negative fairly fast. That being said, I got COVID I tested positive on like April 24th or fifth. I can't remember right now, but, um, it's two months later and I still have my COVID cough and it still can be pretty bad. And so that's discouraging and there are a couple other things that I've noticed that are that feel off, um, that I don't know if they are, can, I can attribute them to COVID but I also don't know that I can't, but the cough, the lingering cough, that's definitely a thing mm-hmm <affirmative> uh, and so in terms of like best self care tips, I would say something that people told me and I like didn't believe it.

Kate: And that I learned it the hard way is you need to rest, do not push yourself. Yes. I am the person who always tries to push themselves. And I like went and to the gym and worked out with my trainer too soon. And I had to literally lie down in the middle of the session while she went and got me a granola bar. Like I just was, it just was not, it was too soon. And I was, and like, she and I were very taking it very easy. Like she knew I had had COVID and had planned a much more, um, doable session. So you just rest is key, like rest. And I always tell my kids this and they hate it, but I'm like, whenever they don't feel good, like rest is so helpful to our health. So please just give yourself rest and know that, you know, it's so hard in our like productivity culture to rest at all.

Doree: Yes.

Kate: Um, but please give yourself that if you can, and I know that oftentimes our lives don't permit for rest and that's really shitty sucks. I don't know. Doree, do you have any thoughts as the, as the spouse of somebody who had like, did, was there anything that you saw that you were like, I know Matt needed a lot of rest after too, right?

Doree: Yeah. So Matt many variants ago, like alpha or Delta or something. Um, so I'm not sure if even like how he dealt with it still applies because the virus has like mutated so much. But one thing that I do remember is like, the fatigue was real and the fatigue stayed with him for a few weeks after, even after he was like testing negative, he had, he tested negative pretty quickly. Um, but he was still very tired for a long time and he, like, they wouldn't let him come back to work for another, like for, for an extra week. Then he thought he was going to, and at first he was sort of like, but I'm ready to go back. And then like the next day he was like, you know what? It's actually good that I'm still resting because I don't feel a hundred percent. So that's what I just like, I mean, look, I'm no COVID expert, but

Kate: Nor I,

Doree: Um, but one thing that I have told people I know who have gotten it is like, please rest, please do not push yourself. Even if you think what you're doing is not physically taxing. If you're working, it is like getting on that zoom is like requires effort that like you should not be expending right now.

Kate: Hard agree.

Doree: So that's just my comment on this,

Kate: I appreciate that's something you told me. That was good advice. You wanna take this final email we have here Doree?

Doree: Sure.

Email: Hi Kate Doree. I'm trying very hard to imagine the categories of my life as cups and to live with the concept that it is unrealistic to have all my cups filled to the brim all the time. If that makes sense. I E if my motherhood and friendship cups are full, maybe my workout cup is lacking, et cetera. I had my second and last baby eight months ago. And my older daughter is three. I lost my almost dream job. Last year when the company was abruptly sold, I decided to pursue a new career path I'm less passionate about, but that allows me more flexibility with my schedule. I deal for these early motherhood days where it feels like my kids are constantly sick. However, I'm really struggling with separating my identity from my work. I was a baker. I ran a bakery that specialized in donuts that expanded to multiple locations. And now I am in sales. I have a full-time day job while also pursuing building a real estate career. It's a lot. I know my expectations are probably unrealistic, but I'm wondering if you or any listeners out there have gone through a drastic shift like this and how long it took them to feel comfortable or even excited about their new career path or how they managed to balance filling their cups and accepting the fact that they can't all be full at once.

Kate: Are we both stumped?

Doree: I mean, you you're, you're doing a lot. <laugh> you have two kids three and under you have a full-time day job in sales, which is a lot of pressure. And you say you're building a real estate career. So I would say cut yourself some slack. <laugh> like, this is, this is a lot on your plate. I know we're talking about cups, but I'm talking about plates.

Kate: It's a whole place setting.

Doree: Yeah. Exactly.

Kate: Yeah. I mean, I, I, I think this question's interesting gone through a drastic shift and how long it took them to feel comfortable or even excited about their new career path. I mean, sometimes also careers. Aren't exciting. They aren't the thing in your life that brings excitement. It's so hard. I struggle with this. I, I really have always wanted to be fulfilled creatively and emotionally through what I do for work. And sometimes that is just not the case. And sometimes work is a means to an end. And as this listener's pointing out, other cups are what fill you mm-hmm <affirmative>. But I think feeling comfortable in a new career path though, that can't take a while, you know, that's normal to have to truly adjust. I mean, going from being a baker in charge of donuts, which by the way, I want donuts.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: Like this is a huge, it's a huge shift and you're doing it while going through other life shifts, like do mentioned having two young children. Mm-hmm <affirmative> also then also pursuing a real estate career. In addition to this sales career. I don't know if they overlap.

Doree: Sounds like a lot.

Kate: Yeah. And I, you know, this accepting that one cup, the cups can't all be full at once. Like I do feel like we've been sold, um, a bill of goods that isn't realistic. Like your cups aren't always, you know, like they're not always gonna be full mm-hmm <affirmative> and like, they don't have to be is, I guess is kind of what I'm saying. <laugh>, you know, it's okay. If your work cup is always just like, has a couple drops. I mean, maybe not depends on what your point of view is, but, uh, I'm not getting anywhere with this cup.

Doree: No, I mean, I think this, like this comes, this comes down to the eternal. We can't have it all conversation. Um, and I do think it is just, it, it, it like this listener pointed out, like sometimes your work cup is full and sometimes your home cup is full and like, it's just going to be a kind of ebb and flow. And so I think just sort of like accepting that this is the stage of life that you're in right now will go a long way.

Kate: Amen. Doree. That's really good advice. I wanna hear, I wanna hear if anyone has any other thoughts on their cups, let us know.

Doree: Or the Anna Kendrick, you know, she did thats thing mm-hmm

Kate: I do. And pitch perfect. Which my children are very into

Doree: Yeah. Well, Kate, this has been delightful as, usual.

Kate: Yeah Doree. Love hearing all your thoughts on things.

Doree: Likewise. All right. Take care. Bye everyone.

Kate: Bye.