Mini-Ep 276: Eye Cream Skeptics

Kate finds a 5-minute face routine rhythm and Doree continues to meal plan like a pro. Then, listeners write in about the perfect solution to body acne, lamenting THAT friend who won’t stop talking about their new dog, and wondering if there’s a dupe for a very expensive (but maybe actually worth it?) eye cream.

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Kate: Hello, and welcome to forever 35, a podcast about the things we do to take care of ourselves. I am Kate Spencer.

Doree: and I am Doree Shafrir, and we are not experts. No, but we are two friends who like to talk a lot about serums.

Kate: Mm. I did some serum research for this episode, and this is a mini episode where we hear from you. We share your comments and your thoughts and answer your questions to the best of our ability.

Doree: And please remember we are podcast hosts, not experts. We have to things just like you.

Kate: Majorly Googled today when I was researching the serum.

Doree: and we always encourage you to seek support first and foremost, from a medical and or mental health professional as needed.

Kate: Maybe we could say we're not experts. We're podcast hosts and good googlers. I feel like we're pretty good at Googling.

Doree: Yeah. I mean, I think one of the challenges of being a good Googler is knowing how to interpret information.

Kate: I mean, as we've seen on a large scale, here in America,

Doree: media literacy, everyone.

Kate: Well, listen, if you would like to reach us, our voicemail number is 7 5 9 1 0 3 9 0. And our email is forever 35 podcast,

Doree: You can visit our website forever for links to everything we mentioned on the show. And now transcripts, Woohoo transcripts are going up, I would say about a day or so after the episodes air. So don't go like running, cuz I know you would. I know you would just go running as soon as you hear this to the website to look for the transcript for this episode, but you'll be able to find transcripts for the last few episodes. We started doing this, I don't know, a week or two ago. So I don't know if we're going to be able to do transcripts for all, for our backlog of episodes because there's a lot of them. And I just don't know if we have the, um, bandwidth or frankly, the money to do that, but we are committed to doing it going forward. Um, you can also follow us on Twitter at forever 35 pod on Instagram at forever 35 podcast. Join the forever 35 Facebook group at 35 podcast. The password is serums and you can sign up for the newsletter at There is a new addition of the newsletter going out this week.

Kate: Doree, can I just drop some book promotion into the beginning of this episode?

Doree: Always Kate, you don't even have to ask.

Kate: Okay, look, I'm just gonna drop it. My book comes out March 15th. If you don't know, it's a romantic comedy called in a New York minute and I am very excited to tell you all that. If you would like to, pre-order a signed copy, signed and personalized. You may do so from one of two amazing bookstores here in Los Angeles, Romans or the ripped bot, I will be putting links in the show notes. So you can just click on over and order and I will just scribble, Scrabble, whatever you want in there within reason obviously, but you know, I'll do my best. And uh, I also did just want to mention that I am having a signing a event at the ripped bodice. So yeah, uh, that is happening Saturday, March 12th at 8:00 PM. And I'm very excited just to share that I'm gonna be in conversation with people that I,

Doree: Can you reveal who?

Kate: Yes Doree. I'm going to be talking with Shilah Watson, who is a writer at Buzzfeed who handles all sorts of things, celeb stuff, books, Buzzfeed daily. She's also in my romance book club, shout out to my romance book club here in LA and then also joining us is gonna be Amy Spalding writer and past forever 35 guest.

Doree: Oh, this is gonna be so fun. And of course I Will be there. So

Kate: Doree will be lurking in the shadows. I didn't wanna put you on the spot at this one because, uh, we're also planning another sort of, uh, forever 35 book promo thing, which story is gonna be dragged into. So don't worry. You will get your Doree fix as part of this book promotion.

Doree: Well, you know, I did just wanna say that signing and personalizing books when my book came out was like one of the more fun things I got to do because people like asked for really, really sweet things. So I'm just excited for you that like you get to do that and like that our listeners get to ask you for personalized inscriptions.

Kate: Well, a listener did DM the other day and asked if I would draw eggplant emojis in the book signings, which if you want it, you can get it. But I mean, I don't draw. So I was gonna,

Doree: Are you gonna Practice drawing?

Kate: I'm gonna get purple Sharpies and just really work. No, I'm not. They're just gonna look like big, weird blobs, but you know what, I'll sign my name in the middle and I'll do my best.

Kate: wow.

Doree: I'm gonna get you a purple Sharpie. Thank you. That's it. That's what I'm gonna do. Purple Sharpie.

Kate: Uh, well, I mean, do I question, do you like eggplant, like eating it? I love eggplant. I'm curious if you do, cuz you've been meal planning and I'm wondering if this factors in,

Doree: Um, I do like eggplant, I like a night shade. Um, you like a night shade look like a night shade. Um, I have not made anything with eggplant yet, but there are several eggplant preparations that I'm a fan of, including eggplant Parmesan. Oh. Um, and also including like a, there's like a Chinese eggplant with garlic sauce. So yeah.

Kate: Well maybe we'll have only eggplant appetizers at this event.

Doree: Oh My God. That would be amazing.

Kate: I think I'll lot of people don't like eggplant, eggplant's one of those kind of controversial foods that a lot of people can't stand. My husband being one of them. So that would be very divisive.

Doree: I mean, look, I don't want to, um, call anyone's eggplant dislike into question, but I do feel like eggplant is one of the, those vegetables that like maybe you just haven't had the right preparation because no one just eats raw eggplant or if they do, I haven't met them. So I think it really depends on how eggplant is prepared and if eggplant is prepared well, I mean it's pretty freaking good. So maybe your husband has just had bad prepare badly prepared eggplant. I

Kate: Mean, no I've tried. I mean, look, I am one quarter Italian American and I take that part very seriously. And I grew up with grandparents who grew their own eggplant. And so an eggplant was, yeah, it was like, they always were eating eggplant, but I made like a fantastic eggplant Parmesan and he couldn't handle it. Like he just can't roll.

Doree: That's just rude, honestly.

Kate: Yeah. He's not a fan of night shades is what I'm hearing from him. Hmm.

Doree: All right.

Kate: How, how was the latest dish that you made in your meal planning journey? Because you sent me a link and it looks delicious.

Doree: It was really good. Um, I made pineapple marinated to and breasts, which is a recipe from the New York times cooking app. Um, I did, I, I like really went through the cooking app because I feel like the New York times recipes that I've made that are good are really good. Yeah, they are good. Um, now my chicken did not totally come out looking like their chicken.

Kate: I've never had anything come out, looking like the picture. Have you, is that a Common experience?

Doree: There's a little bit more like, there looks almost grilled to be honest, weird. Um, anyway, but yes, I made it, it was really good. You make it, you marinate the chicken in this like pineapple marinade, but then you also make a pineapple salsa that I thought was really good. It does have cilantro in it. So if you are a cilantro hater, this is probably not for you, but I like cilantro. So I thought this was really, really yummy. Um, so yeah, so that was really good. Um, I made really good fried rice.

Kate: Mm I, you know what I think I've used that recipe that you shared before. Um, and it's really good and very easy if I recall.

Doree: Yes. In fact it is called easy fried rice recipe. Look at that. I love a literal recipe. It's from serious eats and it's very, very good. And I had bought some, this was a shortcut. I bought some frozen shreded chicken.

Kate: Great.

Doree: And sauteed it up and then put it in with the fried rice. And it was perfect. So I had really good, really good chicken fried rice. Um, my husband thought it was really good.

Kate: Henry ate it?

Doree: Henry. I would say Henry has been not like bracing, all the food I've been cooking, but like, he'll eat it. He'll eat some of it. Like last night he ate the rice. Um, the one dish that he ate the most of was a butternut squash, baked pasta.

Kate: How did that come out? That sounds good.

Doree: Okay. So it came out. Okay. It like everything about this recipe took longer than they said it was going to including the actual baking and it never got to the point of what it was supposed to look like. But by this point I was like, we need to eat dinner. So like, oh yep. I've been there. It was also a little bit too labor intensive and used too many dishes. In my opinion, it was good. And again, it was like, it was the one meal that Henry like really gobbled up, but I don't think I would make it again because it was too much of a hassle, you know, for a dish. That was that for a dish. That was like fine. Fine.

Kate: Yeah. I also just hate when recipes are not honest with you about the amount of time it's going to take.

Doree: Yes. Yes. But just tell the truth recipes, you know, I, I, me nuts. Yes. I agree. So-

Kate: I'm glad you're having a positive experience with this venture.

Doree: Thank you. I am. I am. I've been pretty pleased with it. Um, tonight I am making another New York times recipe crisp gnocci with brussel sprouts and brown sugar.

Kate: Oh, that sounds Yum.

Doree: So I'll report back.

Kate: I mean, if there's one thing I know that you like, it's a brussel sprout.

Doree: I do enjoy a brussel sprout. I like a cruciferous vegetable in addition to a night shade. I like a cruciferous vegetable.

Kate: I mean, I truly think every time I've gone out to dinner with you, if there is brussel sprouts on the menu, you will get it for the table, Period.

Doree: Yes. That is, that is accurate.

Kate: Like if you didn't, I would think something was wrong. All right. Well Doree, yes, we should take a little, we should take a little break so that we can hear from some listenings.

Doree: Um, yeah, we should, but we didn't talk about your five minute face.

Kate: Well, have it on right now, I have my five minute face on, I've been making videos for people who pre-ordered my book there. We had a special kind of pre-order promo and you know, like sometimes I'm not wearing makeup for them, but I've just found, I don't know, I'm enjoying doing my five minute makeup face in the morning. And then I just look a little fresher for the vid.

Doree: You do.

Kate: I, yeah. I just feel a little better and I'm also not sleeping much because we have a puppy. And so I'm waking up at least once in the middle of the night to take her out. Anthony and I have seemed to have found a rhythm where like we each just kind of organically take one of the two nighttime peas. Mm. So, so that meant, I would think I was up at like one 30 and then I woke up with her around 5 45. So, you know, I'm tired. Plus I'm still up to read my alien romance. So obvi, oh my God, listen, we're onto a new, I mean, I just started a new one. I'm in book nine of ice home, everybody. Uh, but yeah, it just has helped me just kind of also, you know, fix those, uh, dark circles under the old eyes. And I'm having fun doing eyeliner for the first time in my life.

Doree: Well, that is the most important thing.

Kate: I really have figured it out in terms of how to put it on. And you know what I need to give credit to actually a former forever35 guest, Jamie Greenberg, who's a makeup artist. Mm I'll see if I can try to find this video, but she had a video showing how to put liquid eyeliner across your lid and it wasn't drawing it on. She, she suggested that you like press the whole, uh, what's it called? Like stem of the pencil. I don't know. Tip. So you press it along flat instead of trying to draw a line and it has made it so much easier for me. Plus I love my stila micro liquid eyeliner. And so those two things have just like made eyeliner a real pleasure. So thank you, Jamie. Thank you, Jamie. Greenberg's yep. To share her tricks with the world,

Doree: Kate, I'm almost afraid to say what I'm reading. Cuz I think our listeners are gonna be jealous.

Kate: Sorry. What are you reading?

Doree: I'm reading Allie. Hazelwood's next book.

Kate: Oh, what a brag. But it's not up till August. What a brag. How did you even, did you get that on NetGalley? I don't have that.

Doree: It's on NetGalley. Yeah.

Kate: Do you like it?

Doree: Yeah. It's very entertaining.

Kate: Did you like the love hypothesis?

Doree: I did. Ah, look at this.

Kate: Wow. Doree romance reader Doree has entered The building.

Doree: I've entered the chat.

Kate: Well, I should say I am listening to people. We meet on vacation by Emily Henry on audio book and I'm enjoying that a lot, so. Oh, that's fun. Yes. She has been my break from aliens. Hmm. Hmm. I guess all we read is romance now. Yeah. For now. For now. You see you finished Jane Austin.

Doree: I finished Mansfield park in persuasion and decided to take a little Jane Austin break.

Kate: Great. Well I think Allie Hazelwood sounds like a delicious pause between Jane.

Kate: Her books are delightful. If you haven't read the love hypothesis yet, I recommend it.

Doree: Um, alright Kate, let us take a break. Let's do it.

Kate: Okay. Doree. Here we are. We're back.

Doree: Hello.

Kate: Some very important news from a listener. Okay. They texted us this.

Text Message: Hi Kat and Dor, Ok so I think I found the solution to body acne. Megababe LaTush Butt Mask in the shower. Let it sit while you wash and shampoo and whatnot. Then, once you're out of the shower, apply Paula's Choice Clear Acne Body Spray to the affected area. After a week, this worked like a charm for my butt-ne. Love ya!

Doree: Hmm. Wow. Okay.

Kate: I need to get my hands on both these products.

Doree: Yeah. Sounds like it.

Kate: I love mega babe. I gotta say I've not tried their butt mask. So I'm on board. I also love that they make a butt mask because we previously said butt masks. Never, but maybe this will change me to a butt mask forever type of person.

Doree: Well, but you know, there is something interesting about doing your butt mask in the shower. I had not thought about that.

Kate: Well, and we should say the butt mask that I did try on. I believe the 100th mini episode of this podcast, it was a butt sheet mask, which is absurd. You can't like, how are you supposed to do that?

Doree: I do also just want to point out that they, there are pimple patches for the body.

Kate: Really?

Doree: Yes. Mighty patch. Yeah. Mighty patch. The mighty patch surface, um, is meant for like larger areas. So oh, it says it's designed for your body, not just your face.

Kate: That's awesome. I mean, are they like butt cheek sized patches?

Doree: No, no, no. They're sort of like small rectangles and then there's another brand called Rael beauty that makes a miracle patch, XL spot control cover. That is also intended for body acne.

Kate: I appreciate that because we do get, I mean you get Zs everywhere.

Doree: Yeah. Zits shoulders. Yeah. Zits are not just to confine to the face.

Kate: No, no. They like to move around. They've got a lot of like clip spa, you know, like they've got a lot of nerve.

Doree: That's a great, chh.

Kate: thank you.

Doree: You did that really well.

Kate: Thank you.

Doree: Proud of you.

Kate: All right. Well, do I to take this next text story?

Doree: I would like nothing more. All right.

Text Message: Chiming I’m on the eye cream debate…I too have never been sure if eye creams really did anything special UNTIL recently I was recently given a tiny sample of “iS clinical youth eye complex”. I’ve been using it for nearly a week, squishing every last drop out of this sample packet - I feel like I've noticed a brightening around my eyes where I normally have pretty dark circles & my eyes haven't felt puffy once this week. It glides on like a dream and leaves my skin nice & soft with a healthy glow around my eyes. There's only one problem - the stuff is expensive $110 for .5 oz. I've tried a couple of tiny vials of their serums & they're pretty incredible too. Have either of you ever used this brand? Any chance you or listeners know of a dupe for this magical eye potion?

Kate: I've never tried anything by is clinical though. I have wanted to. Have you ever, ever sampled any of their products?

Doree: No, I've, I've, I've heard great things.

Kate: I have too. Yeah. Uh, oh, now, you know what I'm up to. This is a real conundrum I find because when you find something that works, you wanna stay in the relationship.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: Yeah. But when it costs $110 for half an ounce?

Doree: That is, that's a spicy meatball.

Kate: That's like a $20 dab every day. You know it, well, I mean the math is bad. The math is totally accurate there, but let's say a $3 dab?

Doree: Yeah. It's expensive.

Kate: So I did a little Googling of their ingredients. I mean, I have to give a shout out to the website, skin school, spelled S K O O L. They're a great site. If you just wanna do a quick kind of like do, uh, ingredient match up and you can find recommendations there. Uh, Paula's choice is when they came up. Here's what I, here's what my takeaway is after just kind of researching the ingredients in this as clinical. I think what you're looking for are peptides. I think you're looking for a peptide focused eye cream. So Paula's choice has two that looked kind of interesting. One was $35 called resist antiaging. I G L and then another one they had the, hold on. Lemme just make sure I'm saying the name. Right. Okay. Then they had the resist antiaging eye cream now for 0.5 ounces. It's 29 75. Okay. So that's a, that's a nice fraction of the, of the price of the is clinical and the resist anti-aging eye gel is, is also the same price, $30 for half an ounce. And then another one that looked kind of interesting to me in terms of ingredients was Shawn Darden's eye cream.

Doree: Okay.

Kate: Now, have you tried this? Have you tried? I know.

Doree: no.

Kate: we've tried, um, her retinol product.

Doree: Yes we have.

Kate: But not this. This is her intensive eye renewal cream. This is $68 for half an ounce. So those kind of looked interesting to me, but I would look for like a peptide focused eye cream. Now I would also say this if you can, but if the eye cream is your thing and you're like, this works me, I love it. I'm this is a thing I'm focused on is the puffiness around my eyes. And you can spend the money on the eye cream and then budget for less on other products. Maybe that's a way to like a workaround or maybe $110 for an eye cream is never going to be feasible, which is, which makes sense. So, uh, you know, maybe check some, some of these other things out.

Doree: I have a couple of Thoughts as well.

Kate: Lay them on on me please.

Doree: One is an eye cream that I got at a dermatologist many years ago. She told me it was the only one quote unquote that had been clinically proven and that she seen results for dark circles. And I used it for a while and I think it worked question mark. Um, it is Neocutis. Lumiere illuminating eye cream.

Kate: Neocutis. Lumiere illuminating eye cream

Doree: Yes. Um, now it has caffeine in it. Which, you know, I think is something to look into the ordinary makes a caffeine eye serum. Um, I believe you can only like legitimately get this through a dermatologist. Um, but you can probably find like a reseller somewhere else, but that is not, I don't think that is generally an authorized, um, sale. The other thing that I do just wanna mention is I've been using, um, a, an eye cream from Murad that they sent to us.

Kate: They did. I didn't get anything from Murad, Uh, lucky.

Doree: Ooh, awkward. Um, it's the environmental shield, Vita-C dark circle corrector. Okay. Um, I like it. It's $63 for half an ounce. So less than, you know, the is clinical, but still not cheap. Again, I, I'm not sure if it's like truly doing anything it's not hurting, but I, you know, I, I would say I I'm on the record for a long time as being an eye cream skeptic and I, you are. I, I think I, I still have that stance.

Kate: Maybe we need to try, this is clinical.

Doree: Maybe we do for science

Kate: And more yeah. For scientific purposes, we need to try this very expensive cream.

Doree: Let's take a break.

Kate: Okay, great.

Doree: Okay. We'll be right back.

Doree: All right. We are back with a question that I feel like is very relevant to our current situation. Did you write the story? Listen, it came from,,

Kate: But Dory's burner, email Gmail.

Doree: Don't know who that could be.

Email: Hi Kat and Dor! I’m writing about a dear friend who got a dog about six months ago. I’m so happy for her and love hearing about how things are going. BUT, my friend has gone overboard about talking about this lovely new puppy! A dinner and hang out can easily be taken half up with dog talk. And I just can’t care that much! I’m happy to listen for a bit, but there’s only so much I can care about. She is really sensitive so I’m not sure how to direct conversation away from the dog and on to other things. Any advice please?

Kate: How dare you write this email Doree.

Doree: Listen? I've only penny. I know you're sensitive. So

Kate: I've had penny. The puppy are only three or four days

Doree: And Kate, well, I have had to put on noise canceling headphones to just stop you from droning on

Kate: About my I'm looking at the puppy right now. And she's adorable. If anybody wants me to go into detail and how cute my new dog is,

Doree: she is so cute.

Kate: She's really, she is really smart. She knows how to, let's talk about your dog. Uh, poor listeners, like never listen to this podcast again. Okay. So I will say, I have been in those listener's shoes for like, you are listening. It's always about a pet because people love their pets. We all love our pets if we have them. And it's, that's kind of like talking about your own dreams where like, it's very interesting to the person sharing, but it's not that interesting to anyone else.

Doree: or like that time you did drugs.

Kate: Oh God, the time you did drugs, nobody cares.

Doree: Or the, you know, whatever,

Kate: or like the super drunk Story.

Doree: Yeah, Exactly. The super drunk story, whatever. Like it's like really, no one cares.

Kate: Yeah. Sorry. I, I, I empathize with the listener. Who's having to sit through these dog stories, but I also kind of think that if this is your dear friend, I ki- I kind of feel like once in a while with our good friends, we just have to kind of like suck it up.

Doree: That's that? That was what I was gonna say. I too,

Kate: Like, I, I think eventually this is gonna die down. You know, they're probably still excited about, you know, having this new dog. And I think of, I think eventually it will die down and I do think you can, you know, you can probably gracefully change the subject. Um, but I don't think I personally don't think this warrants a, like, I need to talk to you about how much you talk about your damn dog conversation. I, I just think you, you save yourself the, the frustrations.

Doree: I also feel Like we're in a pandemic.

Kate: Yeah.

Doree: Like let's just give everyone a little bit of grace right now. I'm sorry. I know it's boring.

Kate: Yeah. This is not to say it sucks having to sit and listen and somebody talk about their dog. We feel for you.

Doree: We really do. But I also feel like if you do bring this up, it's going to cause a rift in your friendship. And I don't know. I can you just deal for a little while longer?

Kate: Well, we should say, let's say this goes on for another, let's say this listener. Well, I was gonna say, what

Doree: If this is like five years from now?

Kate: Yeah. That I don't, I, I also wanna say like, yes, what if this keeps going? I do think, you know, you also do have a right to set up about what you wanna talk about. And if you are sick of talking about her dog, you could just say like, oh my gosh, um, I love hearing all your, you know, like Rover stories. Um, but I would love to talk to you about dot dot dot.

Doree: Yeah. Or you could just get your own dog?

Kate: Oh my God, God. Now this is an interesting solution.

Doree: And start talking about it.

Kate: You know, this is a very interesting idea, Doree. Get a dog. I mean,

Doree: Yeah. You could outdo your friend.

Kate: Yeah. Or, or, I mean like one thing you could also do is just not react, you know? Like you can, I mean, you can, you can try to shift the conversation to something else. This is very hard. I, I feel for this listener, I do. And look, I feel, but I also feel for the dog friend,

Doree: I do hope slash think that this will kind of die down once. Hopefully this person like finds something else to talk about. But like, I, I think this happens a lot with like new romantic partners, kids having kids, new babies, like just like people get fixated on the things that are, that are kind of new in their lives. And like, I get that. We should celebrate their joy.

Kate: Yeah. Also, cuz it's probably the only thing they're doing right now. Yeah, totally. And I say this as someone who is like really trying to work and stuff and have this fricking puppy and it's like, wow, the puppy really takes over. Do you, do you wanna hear more about my dog Doree? My new dog. I have two dogs.

Doree: Yeah. I mean, I, I do actually.

Kate: Oh, we'll do a whole episode just about my dog. Okay. I can't wait. Okay. Um, anyway, listener, let us know how it goes. And we do, even though we are being silly, we do, you know, we can empathize with you. We feel you.

Doree: We can. All right. Well Kate let's hear a voicemail.

Voicemail: Hey Kate. And do I just wanted to call and tell you a funny story? Uh, that my mom told me today, I thought y'all would appreciate it. Um, she was getting ready to go to a party and really quick, before she left, she pumped out some therapy lotion into her hands to, um, put on her legs before she left. And she said, so like, as I was going downstairs, I realized my hands were really sticky, but my, my legs didn't feel that way. So I didn't understand why my hands were so sticky. So I went to the kitchen sink and tried to get some of this lotion off my hands. Cause it was really bothering me how sticky it was. And she said all of a sudden it started foaming. So she realized that she had put therapy cleanser on her hands instead of lotion. And I just got a kick outta that and I thought you might smile at it too. Um, anyways, I hope that y'all are doing well and I cannot wait for next's episode. Bye.

Doree: A classic mix up.

Kate: I've done this. Yeah, same. I mean one night I did put, um, the drunk elephant. Oh my God. What is it called? Drunk elephant. Hold on. Uh, oh yeah, one night I did put drunk elephant baby facial, which is like an aha mask that you're only supposed to leave on for like 15 or 20 minutes. And I left it on all night and I was, I woke up, but I was like, why am I is my face burning? Oh my gosh, I've done stuff like that. You know?

Doree: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, thankfully mixing up cleanser and lotion is like relatively innocuous.

Kate: Except Ugh. The feeling of like sticky cleanser all over your body gives you that creepy feeling.

Doree: But you can just jump in the shower.

Kate: You could, you could,

Doree: but it's not, I'm saying like it's not like something that is like burning on you.

Kate: No, that is true. That is very true. So, well, uh, before we go, we just did have a, a very important text from a listener. They just wanted us to know.

Text Message: Ugh I have an eyebrow pimple.

Kate: followed by three emojis. Of course.

Doree: I sympathize. I have had eyebrow pimples and they're not fun.

Kate: They hurt, I think because there's like often an in grown hair element to them. Yeah. Yes. The only thing that's good about them is that they're hidden. If you've got a nice thick brow.

Doree: Mm that's true. That's true. That's really looking on the bright side Kate.

Kate: Really reframing that eyebrow pimple narrative here, Doree still, you know what? I can't record this podcast now without thinking of the listeners. Bingo. Because I'm like waiting to check off. If you haven't seen on our Instagram, a Lister made a bingo of all of Doree's kind of like podcast isms.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: And it's so good. It's so freaking good. My favorite is oh, ho, ho.

Doree: Oh, ho ho.

Kate: Yes! That's how you say it. Not like Santa Claus.

Doree: No, no, not a Santa Claus.

Kate: Anyway, I now just sit here listening and in my brain, I'm checking off all the Doree bingo cards. You've got so many good little quips Doree. That's all.

Doree: Oh, well gee, thanks.

Kate: You're welcome. Well, everybody thanks so much for listening. Hope your eyebrow pimples are doing okay out there.

Doree: Same. All right, bye. Hi everyone.