Posts tagged sephora
Episode 18: Hair of the Dog with Jess Rona

Kate explains how to get quality Sephora samples without feeling bad about it, and Kate and Doree debate the merits of IKEA (Kate: very pro, Doree: somewhat skeptical).

Then they welcome comedian, celebrity dog groomer, and Instagram star Jess Rona, who shares how she has built her business after turning to grooming in a time of desperation. You can follow Jess on Instagram @JessRonaGrooming to see amazing dog videos or buy her new book, Groomedfor supremely cute pics of clients like Katy Perry's dogs. 

Plus: we're running a survey that will help guide upcoming content and guests! Please fill it out at

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Episode 15: Sister, Sister

It's Sephora spring bonus time! Kate and Doree discuss their Sephora wish lists, and they also set some simple intentions for the week, like getting to bed early and bringing more fresh flowers into their lives.

Then, Doree interviews a very special guest: her sister Karen Vladeck (@KarenVladeckesq on Twitter)! Karen talks about seeking out self-care while also juggling motherhood and being a law partner, ignoring other people's judgment about childbirth and parenting, making time for manicures, and staying close with Doree through the years. 

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