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Mini-Ep 318: The Yacht Rock of Hats

Kat and Dor come to you, hats in hand, to chat all things hat recs, especially for their fellow big-headed listeners. 

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Kate: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Forever35, a podcast, all about the things we do to take care of ourselves. I'm Kate Spencer,

Doree: And I am Doree Shafrir

Kate: And we are, we're not experts. Okay. We're just not <laugh>. That was very defensive. No, one's accused me of not being an expert,

Doree: Um, but we are two friends who like to talk a lot about serums.

Kate: And this is a mini episode where we hear from you. We share your comments and your thoughts, and we answer your question.

Doree: Please. Remember we are podcast host. We're not experts. We always encourage you to seek support first and foremost, from a health professional.

Kate: If you would like to reach us. Our text and voicemail number is 7 8 1 5 9 1 0 3 9. And our email is forever podcast.

Doree: You can visit our website for links to everything we mention on the show. Follow us on Twitter at forever35pod on Instagram at forever35podcast. Join the forever35 Facebook group, 35podcast. The password is serums and you can sign up for our newslettera t You can also shop all the products we mentioned on the show at

Kate: Do I remember how I told you? I thought I had synesthesia because I attach emotions to numbers and letters.

Doree: Yes.

Kate: And personalities. I was writing this by my husband and he was like, I think everybody does this. Maybe I'm not special. It's just how I wanted to start off this conversation.

Doree: Wow. Okay.

Kate: He was like, everybody thinks odd numbers are evil. I was like, they do. I thought it was like, do you think odd numbers are evil? Maybe he also

Doree: Has it? No,

Kate: You don't look at an odd number and feel like evil vibes.

Doree: No, I don't.

Kate: Okay. So, so then I do then, so then something's a foot, an even number is like very soothing to me and safe and kind, and an odd number is like a villain.

Doree: Interesting. Okay. Staying. Okay.

Kate: Sorry, just to hop into this, but I was just, it just flew back into my brain because he was like, of course, because odd numbers can't be divided except for, except for one or whatever. I was like, I, I don't care about the math. I care about the feelings. And I also feel that way about certain letters. Certain letters have bad vibes for me.

Doree: Interesting. Okay.

Kate: Anyway, Doree, I have talked to you about how I feel like, uh, I have synesthesia, you've been very supportive. And so this is just in my brain.

Doree: Um, I am supportive of this journey.

Kate: If someone else has emotional connections to numbers, will you let me know if this is a thing <laugh>, that's not what we're talking about today. It's just in my brain.

Doree: Yeah, yeah. Yep, yep. Yep. Um, Kate,

Kate: What we're talking about yesterday,

Doree: I was just gonna say, do you wanna, do you wanna tell everyone what we're talking about?

Kate: Okay. This is the official hat episode.

Doree: Welcome one in all.

Kate: Welcome a tip of the hat to you today. We will be talking about hat recommendations from our listeners because one young Doree chare put out the call for hats, for larger heads and people delivered.

Doree: They did, they did deliver. Um, should I, should I just update people on, on where I'm at?

Kate: Yeah. What's your headgear like these days?

Doree: Okay. Well a listener recommended sunshine, tienda hats. Um, and so I check them out. The hats are super cute and they do come in, they come in multiple sizes. When I was looking, they came in small and, or like a small, medium, maybe let's just sorry. They came in a small or a medium, large. And it said that the medium, large measures approximately 58 to 59 centimeters. And I was like, okay, that should like, just fit me. Um, so I placed an order. I'm like eagerly, awaiting the arrival of this hat. It finally comes and I put it on and it doesn't even like, like I can't even get it on my head. It's like sitting on top of my head and I'm like,

Kate: What the fuck?

Doree: Like is my head? I knew my head was big, but is it like that big that I can't even fit? Like I can't even squeeze my head in here. And then I took a closer look and there was a tag on the hat that said size like six and three quarters, 55 or 55 centimeters or something like that. And I was like, oh, they sent me the wrong size. That's what happened. So I emailed them, I sent them a picture of the hat. I said, you know, I ordered a medium, large, I think you sent me the wrong size. And they were very apologetic. They sent a new hat out right away and it arrived. And on the brim, it said, and on, on their website it says Xs slash X S measures approximately 55 to 56 centimeters ML measures, 50 to 59. The tag on this hat said that it was size seven and a quarter 58 centimeters did not say anything about 59 centimeters. And I think I need that extra centimeter cuz I put it on. And I was like, Ooh, this is snug. This is real snug. Like it's not, this is not how this hat is supposed to fit. And then Matt was like, why don't you use my hat stretcher? And I was like, you're what? And he's like, yeah, I have a hat stretcher. <laugh>

Doree: Because

Kate: Matt texted me and you were like, the hats would in Matt's hat stretcher, which I'd never heard of

Doree: Me neither.

Kate: Like O only Matt could have a hat stretcher. It's brilliant. Totally.

Doree: Well, you know, Matt also has a very large head and has trouble often finding hats in his size, which is seven and seven eighths

Kate: <laugh>

Doree: For the

Kate: Record. Okay. Okay. Thank

Doree: You. Um, and then he was like, here, try this hat on. And he like tossed me a baseball cap and I put it on and it fit perfectly. He was like, okay, you're a seven and a half. And I was like, oh, okay, well this hat is a seven and a quarter. So like, and I thought it was gonna be bigger. So he put it in the hat stretcher and he stretched it and it did stretch a bit. But I think it then went back to its regular size and what I am looking at now on the website, I swear to God, when I looked at this website initially they only had small and medium, large, and now they have an XL.

Kate: I'm sorry, a scandal.

Doree: They have an XL, they have another size. They did. They

Kate: It in after you needed it.

Doree: I guess like I've the, obviously I do really like the hat. I'm tempted to just get the Excel. But then I like, oh, I'm like,

Kate: Ugh, you are in a real, um, back and forth over this time, IM

Doree: In a real back and forth. I, I feel like I can't email them again and ask them to exchange it. It's just like, how many times am I going to exchange this damn hat? I feel like if I, if I get another one, I'm I'll just buy it. But I, I am so sure that they did not have Excel. Like this is so weird.

Kate: They were like Doree demands and excels was to sneak this onto the website. Maybe she won't notice.

Doree: Yeah, exactly. Maybe she won't notice Uhhuh.

Kate: Do you like the hat? Otherwise

Doree: I do. I think it's really cute, but it doesn't fit me. Right. It's small.

Kate: This just brave. Just do it.

Doree: I should just reach out to them.

Kate: I would reach out. They sound like a really nice company. Sounds like they're a good customer service. Sounds like you like the hat. I feel like you're so close. You haven't worn this other hat a lot or anything like so close I'm used.

Doree: No, you're

Kate: Literally a centimeter away.

Doree: I know. Centimeter

Kate: Away.

Doree: I'm so close. I'm so close. So that's where I'm at. I will also say that since I, um, do you remember <laugh> do you remember? We, one day we were like looking at hats while we were recording and I was like, wait, this hat has someone recommended. I already own this hat.

Kate: Of course I remember this. Of course. And

Doree: Then I was like, you know what? This hat is not bad. This hat that I already own is actually fine. Is it my dream hat? No, but it is totally fine. And so I apologize to it. And I said, I'm so sorry that I thought you were not what I wanted, but I come to you hat in hand and I'm going wear you again.

Kate: Hat in hand. Now also wanted to just share with our listeners, another piece of sun protection that you, all you did was take a photo of it and send it in a text message. It was a full length, a full length arm sheet for driving, which we talked about early. Like some podcast, episode, years ago, we talked about like cyclists who have those like arms sunscreen protectors. And we looked into this and

Doree: Some got some, I got some, I got, okay, I got arm protectors, but they were like half hands. Like my half of my hand was still exposed. Like my fingers were still exposed. And then, and I hadn't used them in a little while and I went to use them like a couple months ago and I could only find one of them <laugh>

Kate: Oh, that's a, that's a, that's a look.

Doree: And I was like, what? How did, how did I lose one of these? Like I only use them in the car. It's like, how did this other one just disappear? And then I was like, okay, I need to get something else. Let me Ute on over to the Cooley bar website, which is where I had gotten the initial sleeves. And I was like, oh, well I could get a full sleeve with full glove

Kate: <laugh> story. Mm-hmm <affirmative>

Doree: Like really take things to the next level. Mm-hmm <affirmative> now, unfortunately the only color slash print they had left in my size is not one. I would've chosen.

Kate: It's like a beige floral pattern.

Doree: It's like a beige. I like, I don't even know what they were going. I don't know if they were going for like a henna kinda vibe. I, I don't know. It just, it looks weird. Cause it's like almost my skin tone <laugh> so it like sort of looks like I've just like decorated my arms almost, which I have not done. Um, but yeah, but I, but I got them because I was like, look, my vanity cannot win out.

Kate: <laugh>

Kate: I must protect my arms. I

Doree: Must protect my arms. Gosh, Matt is horrified by these <laugh>.

Kate: They Are they're like stockings. I mean, they go all the way up your arms.

Doree: They do. They go halfway up my upper arm. Like basically if I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt, they go to the sleeve. I mean, all this is to say,

Kate: You're being, you're protecting your skin. Like, I, I am something wrong with this,

Doree: But Kate, I there's something else that I have not told you about.

Kate: Okay.

Doree: So even though we live in Los Angeles and like, I am usually in short sleeves, I am sometimes in long sleeves and I thought, well, if I'm in long sleeves, I don't need the full sleeve. I can just get a regular old glove. So I also got a pair of just like regular sun protective driving gloves. Now once again, they were out like any remotely appealing color. So

Kate: I'm ready.

Doree: I, I just, I feel like people are waking up to the fact that they need to protect their bodies and like I'm here for that. Um, it's like a black and white like animal.

Kate: Oh boy. Okay.

Doree: It's like not especially cute. It really it's very like Boca.

Kate: Look, I respect any attempt at sun protection that

Doree: Landed. I, I was like, I'm not gonna wait for them to get the gray back in stock. You know,

Kate: Doree. Have you been wearing these every day? Like, are you consistent about putting them on?

Doree: I've been, yeah, I've been pretty consistent now. Matt did make a good point, which is that I do only wear them when I'm driving. If I'm just like going for a walk, I'm not wearing them. He's like, why aren't you being consistent? Why do you, why don't you wear them when you're just like out and about? And I was like, Hmm, that's an interesting point. I dunno if I'm ready for that yet though. <laugh>

Kate: You aren't ready to be the gloved lady of Los Angeles?

Doree: No, I don't. I don't know. I, you know, I am considering though, like a Perol

Kate: Doree.

Doree: Like a sun umbrella type thing,

Kate: But like, like the kind that like ladies are walking on, like in Mary Poppins that she floats down with or like, what's that painting? Painting bike. Is it Sunday? The park with George? Yeah. Sun in the park with George. Yeah,

Doree: The ladies all Paris. I know what I'm they even, no, they make even Cooley bar makes one. Um, they're just, they're like umbrellas. They look like umbrellas, but they're specifically formulated to protect you from the sun. So I'm considering I'm considering getting one of those. I mean, look, the here is brutal.

Kate: No, it's a scorcher. It's it's not great. It's not great. I think that you're fine to protect your skin. I there's no shame in it. Like vanity is overrated, honestly. Vanity doesn't keep your skin safe.

Doree: Ooh. Okay. Ooh. I'm gonna, I'm gonna like calligraphy that <laugh>

Kate: Yeah. Stitch that into like a pillow.

Doree: Yes.

Kate: Cross it. All right. Well, do we received so many messages from other listeners who are hat wearers who have hat recommendations for all of, so we're just gonna take a break and get back into it with hat talk.

Doree: All right. Let's do it.

Kate: I think my favorite thing, Doree, that I noticed in compiling all these hat recommendations is the name. The names of hat brands are very cute.

Doree: Hmm.

Kate: And also, I will say that one brand that came up multiple times is something called Gorin brothers.

Doree: Yes.

Kate: G O R I N. And the refrain was always, these hats are expensive, but you need one.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: So do with that, what you will, but that was what we heard from a few people. Gorin bros, Gorin bros, Gorin bros. G O O R I N.

Doree: Yeah. I, I feel like I used to walk by their store in New York.

Kate: Um, I never heard of them, but they make attractive hats.

Doree: Yeah. I should check them out.

Kate: All right. Well, like I can just start by saying a listener wrote, listening to episode 2 22. It's a splurge, but you need to go to Gorin bros for all your large head hat needs. So there we go. Gorin bros. Okay. Okay. Um, another text said Sunday afternoon, hats are awesome. My family business sells them as our favorite gardening hat. If you wanna support a small family owned business and not Amazon they're available from us. And this is at Renee's garden, we'll leave the, uh, we'll leave the URL Renee Renee's garden.

Doree: This is the brand. This is my new tennis hat brand

Kate: Stop.

Doree: Yeah. Sunday afternoon. Yes. Yes, yes. I have the, I think I have the sport hat. Yes,

Kate: I do. Sunday sport hat, afternoons. Okay. See, and see what I'm talking about. These names are just so like so sweet.

Doree: Yeah. Yeah. Very sweet. Um, but that's cool. Renee's garden. I'm gonna check you out.

Kate: Yeah. Where are you, Renee? Where is your garden? Just wanna see where Renee's see where Renee's garden is. Hold on here. Renee's garden felt in California. I've never heard of felt in California. Okay.

Doree: Mean neither.

Kate: I bet that's up in wine. I bet that's in wine country.

Doree: I'm getting, I'm making a Nor Cal vibe from this place.

Kate: Mm-hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative> they're wearing big, beautiful sun hats. It's like very, um, Nancy Myers' kitchen, kind of sun hat kinda sun

Doree: It's in Santa Cruz county.

Kate: Okay. We nailed it.

Doree: We did nail it.

Kate: Well, Renee Renee's garden. We'll see you soon looks, I dunno if this listener is named Renee, but it

Doree: Looks charming.

Kate: Oh yeah. Maybe that is where we go trot through big, sir. And then you get Toon.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: All right. We'll support a small business. We'll link to that in the notes.

Doree: Okay. Let's do it

Kate: Next up. You wanna share this one?

Doree: I would love to, hi. Kate do wanted to send some hat suggestions. I'm a fellow big head and I've successfully tried hats from lack of color, till great quality and never ending weekend. A Canadian handmade brand. Hmm.

Kate: Again, the names of these brand, like if I told you like Doree, um, cup of tea makes amazing hats. <laugh> would you believe me? Or like, like park bench in the sunshine makes my favorite brand of hat. Like these names are just so like so cozy.

Doree: They're very cozy. Yes. I agree.

Kate: All right. We have a couple voicemails to share.

Voicemail: Hi. Um, I've been listening for so long and I've never called, so this feels very weird, but I had to pause to call about stories, request for hatch for large heads. Um, because I, uh, face a similar predicament. Some companies that I have found that produce hats for, um, big heads like we have are, um, Brickston, uh, I just got a hat from it's F R E Y a a really pretty hat. It's definitely on the more expensive side, not like Eugenia Kim expensive, but uh, expensive. Uh, and they also have a really cute bucket hat that says it's one size fits all. Um, but it actually does fit a very large head. I know most of the one size fits all hats out there are for pinhead. Um, and then another company that has huge draw hats, uh, is, am I pronouncing that right? Anyway, um, they have different sizes, including large and maybe extra large. So those are some that I have found to be, um, nice looking hat for, uh, people with, with a large hope.

Kate: That's sponsored our show before I,believe.

Doree: They have. Yeah. Their products are, yeah, they're really pretty. I, I Koana Kiana. I,

Kate: I feel like I'm never saying it right. Even though I should know how to say it Koana.

Doree: same. Um, these are all great suggestions. Thank you.

Kate: From a fellow Big head.

Doree: Big head. Okay. Um, shall we hear another voicemail?

Kate: Yeah. OK.

Voicemail: Hi cat. Do this is Megan. Love your podcast. Love your books. I'm calling four, do recommendations for a for Bighead people, which I am part of that crowd. So I bought this hat in August 20 at a nail salon. I remember it distinctly because I was there getting my nails done for my wedding and it meets the requirements story that you're looking for. Straw kind floppy, but cute. I have a size large. The brand is yellow. 1 0 8. Now the conundrum is that I don't remember spending what they're listed for on their website, like $130, but I very well could have been in a wedding fog and spent that much. I'm just, I head problems are big. Good luck in your hot search. Keep shining over there. Love you both. Bye.

Kate: Well, you keep shining too. <laugh>

Doree: Oh, our listeners are so lovely.

Kate: So lovely. And I also just wanna say the, the idea of being in like a wedding fog or like any time you make that like, purchase where you're like, oh my God, what, what did I do? Like in hindsight, you're like, what? Totally. I would've never normally bought this, but I was in some sort of fug state.

Doree: Yes. A thousand percent. Yes.

Kate: Can very much relate to that.

Doree: Well, Kate, should we take another short break?

Kate: Yeah. When we come back, we've got more recommendations. If you can believe it

Doree: More hat talk. When we return

Kate: Now Doree, before the break, you refer to this as hat talk and I just thought it might be fun to kind of pitch a spinoff podcast in the same vein as car talk. NPRs iconic car repair show hosted by click and outta Boston. Mm-hmm <affirmative> we could do hat talk, hosted by do and cat instead of click and it's do. And cat,

Doree: I just worry that we would very quickly run outta material.

Kate: I don't think we could sustain that for decades. Like click and did the Tapit brothers.

Doree: I mean, you know, they were kind of geniuses in the sense that like, people are always having car problems. Like there was just an endless amount of material.

Kate: Oh. And they were just,

Doree: They were so delightful,

Kate: Such treasures,

Doree: Such treasures,

Kate: Such treasures.

Doree: One of them died. Right. But I think one of them is still alive.

Kate: One of them is still alive and one has passed. Tom died. Ray is still alive. I can't remember which is click and, but you know, respect <laugh> thank you for indulging me on that tangent.

Doree: We can, I mean, we can fill up one episode with hat talk.

Kate: This is our version of talk.

Doree: This is our version. So here we go.

Voicemail: Hi, my name is Mallary and I'm listening to your episode where you're thinking about hats. I also have a big, and I have a hat to recommend. Uh, it was recommended to me by my friend, Kate hall, who also recommended I start listening to so hi, you're by the San Diego company. I found it on Amazon. And basically it it's kinda, but it's a full brim all the way around your head. So it'll cover the of your neck covers your whole face. There's a Velcro component to like adjust it to the right of your head. And then it on the top, which I love in case I need to just have my hair in a ponytail or my hair is up in the nod or, um, but it's really cute on the Amazon page now. It's probably five-ish uh, its so incredibly durable. I have it in like a straw, but they have a bunch of different colors. You know, some with ribbon some without it's just the most durable hat. It great sun coverage. It's cute. Uh, you can roll it up to pack it, wear it outside. Bring it to the pool. CABB

Doree: Cabbage Patch Kid head. Their heads were disproportionately. Large.

Kate: Oh yeah. Those babies made no sense. I mean it's they were born in a cabbage patch. Their heads were

Doree: Cabbage. Right? It's true. Their heads were cabbage. Yeah. So you can see why they would so big.

Kate: What kinda fucked up toys were we dealing with in the eighties? Were babies born as cabbage with quirky names and someone's autograph on their butt.

Doree: Kate let's not even go there because I feel like Cabo patch kids are just the tip of the iceberg. <laugh>

Kate: We'll save that for our eighties podcast that we're gonna

Doree: With our nineties podcast.

Kate: Oh, when we get that decades podcast situation going, we are gonna be so happy. Okay. Well I watch, I have something like this. I have one of these things and I have to say I don't, I don't know if it's by the San Diego hat company. I don't love it because it's too floppy around my neck.

Doree: Oh, oh that's annoying.

Kate: This is yeah. I love how these look. I love this kind of like coastal grandmother, Gardner vibe of these topless Rollie hats, but it just doesn't work for me now. I hope it works for somebody else. Like this person, you Kate who got this Mallory

Doree: Mallory, Mallory

Kate: Mallory to listen to the show. We appreciate you. Boy, here we go. Hat idea for Doree. Another text message.

Text: Easy living I have a big head and these are cotton and have some stretch. Also really soft. The wire room is flexible so you can adjust it for more shade or more visibility. Unlike straw hats, they pack flat. I've had one for about four years and got another last year to have color options and both hold up. Well, great colors. Handmade. Often hand died with environmentally friendly and fair trade practices. Single mom owned business. I discovered at the Ithaca New York farmer's market before it grew to current size, $99. So not cheap, but not insane for such a solid hat again with the names.

Kate: Easy living hats,

Doree: Easy living hats,

Kate: Hats are like, they're like these names are like the yacht rock. It's like yacht rock, but hats <laugh>. Does that make any sense or do I sound so?

Doree: I mean, no, I get what you're saying, because I think that these companies want to conjure up an image of just like relaxing. You're like lying on a beach chair with your big hat.

Kate: Yeah. I mean, this hat is cute. I'm looking at these easy living hats. Yeah. And I imagine myself in a beach chair and not like waiting for school pickup, which is what I'm normally in a big hat. Mm-hmm <affirmative> any T okay, great reco.

Doree: Um, alright. Another rec. I have two hats from an online store called Gigi Pip.

Kate: <laugh> again, Doree

Text: Interesting name and they have stylish and well made hats. They have a range of sizes and styles and great customer service. I had to exchange sizes and it was no problem at all. I'm super happy with my hats from them. And when you were discussing hats on the pod today, I knew I had to share the rec.

Doree: Alright Gigi Pip.

Kate: Gigi PIP is a sweet lady who lives in a rustic straw, covered farmhouse in the countryside of the UK. And she's just got so many great hats.

Doree: Okay. Kate, you know what I'm picturing? I'm picturing blossom.

Kate: What you picturing like little old lady named Gigi. You're picturing blossom.

Doree: No, I'm picturing. Okay. Here's what I'm picturing. Remember? Blossom always had the big, had a hat with like a flower on it.

Kate: Yes,

Doree: Of course. So what I'm, what I'm picturing is that blossom, not malic blossom grew up and she started Gigi PIP.

Kate: Oh my God. <laugh> like if they were gonna remake the blossom show now.

Doree: Yes. Exa exactly. She would own a hat. A yes called Gigi PIP.

Kate: You know what? You're not wrong. That is a hundred percent. That

Doree: Blossom would be too. Thank knew you didn't see where I was going with this, but now get it.

Kate: No six would be six would be the head of marketing. Yes, it would be

Doree: Exactly

Kate: Man. I mean again for our nine eighties and nineties podcast, just the career of my Ambi in general is that's a whole episode. Oh

Doree: Let's not even go there.

Kate: Well, it's not OK. But I'm looking now at these hats and they're gorgeous. I don't love the name Gigi PIP, but I mean, well, I should say that. What if it's somebody's name?

Doree: Of course, of course blossom would have a great hat store.

Kate: I mean, yeah. And these hats are gorgeous. I don't see any with a big funky flower on top, but you know, we could make our own adjustments.

Doree: You know, these are a little too. Um, I think these two like neutral influencer to be blossom store. I actually think blossom store might be Renee's garden.

Kate: Wow. You really are taking us on a tour. Can you imagine someone describing our podcast? And they're like, podcast's this podcast which fantasized character blossom from nineties online

Doree: In Santa Cruz. I mean it does track.

Kate: Is where are those hot older brothers?

Doree: Mm, well they hightailed it outta here. <laugh>

Kate: They're like enough hats for us. Okay.

Doree: Yeah. Um,

Kate: Last recommendation here we are.

Kate: Had to pause the pod to send this large head hat recommendation for Doree. It's the first one that has ever fit my gigantic. No, I ordered a large and it's called the fur talk women's beach, suns hat, UV up 50 travel, foldable, brim, summer UV hat, a name you can only find on Amazon and it is an Amazon hat and it has, okay.

Doree: So

Kate: A lot of refuse.

Doree: Yes. The hat that I was talking about is not this exact hat, but it is a fur talk <laugh> hat,

Kate: The hat from the beginning of this episode,

Doree: The, from the beginning of this episode, I'm circling back. Yes.

Kate: Full circle. Yes. I like full. I like their style of these hats.

Doree: Yeah. The one we, she linked to is actually very cute. Um, so this is

Kate: Brand with a nice customer service.

Doree: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That is sunshine T

Kate: Oh, oh, sorry.

Doree: Remember I told you that I had like rediscovered an old hat that I just, yes.

Kate: I was like, I'm with you. I'm back. I'm with you.

Doree: This is old hat.

Kate: <laugh>

Doree: That's bad. So

Kate: No, you gotta keep it in. That stays in.

Doree: Um, so the one that I have is their beach hat with chin strap.

Kate: Okay.

Doree: Which is just kind of a very basic, cute straw hat here. I will, I will text it to you and in

Kate: Oh, fur talk makes a ponytail hat. I'm now on the fur talk website.

Doree: Yeah. I mean they really seem to have figured out what people need. Yeah. It's like, right. It's like totally fine. You know what I mean? But you know what the most important thing is that it fits.

Kate: I, I mean, that is, that is the purpose of this whole episode is that for the bigheaded people in the world for the Bighead people, yourself to get a hat.

Doree: So thank you for talk for seeing me

Kate: Doree. This has been such a pleasure. This has been one of my favorite episodes we've recorded in a while. Cause we've just really gone everywhere.

Doree: We really have. It's been a, it's been a pleasure.

Kate: You these recommendations too. These are some really great hat res.

Doree: Yeah, these are great hat recs. Thank you everyone.