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Mini-Ep 310: Bikini Line Feeling Fine

Kate and Doree agree on which member of NKOTB they’d still make-out with before they hear from listeners about looking your age (or not), an ingrown hair hack too good not to share, and bar exam support suggestions. 

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Kate: Hello, and welcome to forever 35, a podcast, all about the things we do to take care of ourselves. I am Kate Spencer

Doree: And I am Doree Shafrir.

Kate: Ooh, that was a real movie announcement. And I liked it. <laugh> and we are not experts

Doree: And no, but we are two friends who like to talk a lot about serums.

Kate: This is true Doree. And this is a mini episode where we hear from you. We share your comments and your thoughts, and we answer your questions to the best of our ability

Doree: Indeed. And please do remember we are podcast hosts. We're not experts. Mm-hmm

Kate: <affirmative>

Doree: Nope. We always encourage you to seek support first and foremost, from a medical and or mental health professional as needed.

Kate: If you would like to reach us. Our voicemail number is 7 8 1 5 9 1 0 3 9 0. And our email is forever 35

Doree: And you can visit our website forever 35 for links to everything we mention on the show. Follow us on Twitter at forever 35 pod on Instagram at forever 35 podcast. And join the forever 35 Facebook group at 35 podcast. The password is serums and do sign up for our newsletter at Also, we are on shop my shelf 35. There's all kinds of like fun little shelves on there. I do just wanna note, first of all, there's Kate's butt care corner,

Kate: Which has really good products for have some really great products and body acne.

Doree: Yeah. Um, we have our fave beauty tools, our fave sun protection pros like favorite candles. There's just like a lot of there's a lot of stuff on there. I'm just gonna, just gonna throw that out there.

Kate: I just ordered two more of my mint and eucalyptus candles from target.

Doree: Oh,

Kate: It came out my signature scent. Yeah. Signature sent.

Doree: Look at you, Kate.

Kate: Here I am.

Doree: Here you are. Here you are.

Kate: So, you know, Doree, I, I think we've got to give the people what they want, which is a recap of the two of us going to new kids on the block.

Doree: Yeah. You know, Kate, I, I watched in real time, as you deleted what you were going to talk about from our episode document, I'm not going to reveal what that was, but

Kate: I'm gonna save it for the next regular

Doree: Recording. I'll say, is that it is basically the opposite of <laugh> discussing our new kids on the block experience.

Kate: It is, it is the opposite. And I think, I think we, we should really get into it.

Doree: So let's get into it.

Kate: I think at some point in like the low pre we were like, let's go to new kids on the block.

Doree: Yeah. We bought these tickets. I actually wanna look up when we bought these tickets because we bought them a long time ago. Um, and it, it seemed like it was so far away, like for the longest time.

Kate: And then one day we were like, oh, we're doing that this week.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: It was, it was just like, it was like all of a sudden we were, we realized we're supposed to go to a concert.

Doree: Totally. You know, I can't find when we actually bought them. But, um, anyway, we, we bought them a long time ago. I'll just put it that way and yeah. And I was definitely a little like, Hmm. Going to a large indoor concert during the, like what might be the height of, oh God. Maybe not the best idea. Especially considering Kate probably got COVID at a Phish show, but you know what? I don't wanna say, I threw caution to the wind, but I was like, I'm going to try not to get COVID. But if I get, and

Kate: It seems like you didn't,

Doree: It seems like I did not because we are now five, five days out mm-hmm <affirmative> I have NA symptom.

Kate: Well, we, we both were masked for the concert we were, and we did, we did have a conversation where it was like, should we go, should we still go? Yeah. And then we were like, we're doing it so

Doree: Well, you were like you, I think you were surprised that I said I still wanted to go.

Kate: I was, I thought, I actually thought you were gonna be like, no, it's not, let's not, but I, I think, you know, it was, had been a really challenging week. Yes. And I think there was a feeling of like, this might like we, this might provide some relief.

Doree: Yeah. And also I talked to Matt about it and I actually thought Matt was gonna be like, mm, maybe not the best idea. And he was like, you should go. And I was like, okay, like I have his sign off.

Kate: And yeah.

Doree: He was like, just don't get COVID. And I was like, okay. But like,

Kate: Know,

Doree: I think we all knew that like, there was definitely, that was definitely a risk. Um,

Kate: Yes, of course. I mean, been there, done that for

Doree: Sure. Totally.

Kate: But we, you know, I think we did the best that we could at protecting ourselves and per usual, we were like the only people in the mass.

Doree: I know I saw, I saw maybe like three other people in masks, but you know, I, I kept it on the whole time and I didn't doesn't seem like I got COVID anyway, that's that's boring. Um, the point is I did not know what to expect. I truly did not. I was like, is anyone going to be at this concert? I looked at tickets like last week and it seemed like there were like quite a few tickets left and I was like, oh dear, like, what if it's like half empty? Like, how embarrassing is that gonna be for everyone?

Kate: <laugh> yeah, we, we were like nervous that we were gonna walk in. No one was gonna be there. I think we had this, this vision of like, kind of, I don't know, maybe it being a little sad.

Doree: Totally.

Kate: We walked and it was people screaming. And that's when we knew, I just think we knew we were in for a show.

Doree: Totally. I mean, the screams were truly deafening and yes, there were some empty seats in front of us, but like, it looked very full and people were like, people were excited. There was, there was a, a F song of energy in the arena that I have not felt in a long time.

Kate: Oh, well, when we were walking into it, people had made t-shirts yes. For the new kids for the concert, like

Doree: Yes.

Kate: Girls night out N K O TB 2022. It was, it was wild. And

Doree: We, we should have done that.

Kate: We should just,

Doree: We really should have done that.

Kate: We honestly next time.

Doree: Okay.

Kate: So we should also add that it was a li a really great lineup. It was Rick Astley, en Vogue and Salton pep. And, and it, they all kind of took turns throughout the show. Yeah. And new kids were the, obviously the headliners and the drivers of the show. But I would say like, for me, and Vogue was like,

Doree: And Vogue was amazing. I mean, they were holy shit. They were all amazing. I also, I also loved, like you were saying, I loved how they structured the show. I loved how it wasn't just like one band performs then leaves for the rest of the night, then another band, like I loved, I mean, they called the mix tape tour and it really, and it was a mix. It really was a mix. And it was, I just thought that was a great way to do the, the show. Everyone sounded amazing. I mean, Joey McIntyre is still hitting that falsetto.

Kate: So was Jordan.

Doree: So was Jordan, I mean, salt and pep, just

Kate: Like, oh my God, they were so

Doree: Good. They were so good. Like, it just was, it was two and a half hours of pure joy

Kate: Really was, it was like probably the happiest moment I had that week was getting to be at that show. And then the second happiest was when the Encore started and Doree turned to me and said, I don't mind if we leave now. And I said, me neither. And we left early.

Doree: We, I mean, we left, I think with one song left.

Kate: Well, I had been wa I had been looking at the set list online. Yes. Because, and, and we were like, we don't know these random end songs, like, forget

Doree: It. Well, the last song spoiler was a reprise of never gonna give you up. And I'm sure it was amazing, but I was like, I don't do I need to see this again? I dunno.

Kate: Yeah. We had already heard it.

Doree: Um, but yeah, if, you know, if you, if the tour is still coming to your town, I highly recommend going. I mean,

Kate: I'm, it was like, it was selfcare.

Doree: It was, was it selfcare it was truly self care. I wish I could. I wish I could go in Boston because I do really,

Kate: Oh my God,

Doree: That, that is going to be next level.

Kate: When they came out in glitery Celtic screen tank tops with the words, Boston printed on the front in silver, silver, glitter, I felt such hometown pride. And I was like, wanted to be like, it's me. I'm from Boston. Not would care. Yeah. Not that they would care.

Doree: Not that they would care

Kate: Now, were we still attracted to our childhood new kid crushes? I'm curious, were you a Joey girl?

Doree: I was a Joey girl. I, I wouldn't say, I don't think attracted is the right word also. I will. What I will also say is I never found Jordan that attractive, but I found, I found him to be the new kid aging the best, in my personal opinion,

Kate: I was a Donnie girl. I was so in love with Donnie Walberg he just had those like bad boy vibes. He's a Leo. Like, I just, he did it for me. And he, well, he still, I still attracted to his like cocky confidence.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: I, which was on full display. He kept like grinding everywhere,

Doree: A lot

Kate: lifting up his Shirt. It was very corny.

Doree: Yeah. <laugh>.

Kate: he also very clearly like his teeth were like glowing white, like I'm assuming they were veneers. So it just, and then he did kiss his wife, which was very sweet. Jenny McCarthy was there. I was, I was into, I was still into Don, but if I were to like hook up with a new kid, now it would also be Jordan. Yeah. There was just something sensitive about <laugh>. I said crazy. There was something sensitive about 52 year old Jordan Knight.

Doree: I agree with that. I agree with that assessment. Um, right. I also did. I mean, and you, you pointed this out that like, Jonathan is just clearly there for the paycheck.

Kate: <laugh> Jonathan. God bless him because he has a home renovation show. Like he found his passion. He

Doree: Has a husband.

Kate: Yeah. And he always had like stage frighted anxiety. I don't think he ever truly loved performing. There was also a moment where Jordan sang a song, his shirt, a white shirt unbuttoned as a fan blew on him. And it was excessive.

Doree: Yeah. I was not like turned on by it <laugh>

Kate: No, I was either. Oh, it was, it was wild. So in conclusion, Dore, and I would both make out with adult Jordan if like, you know, no strings attached life we were living.

Doree: Okay. Maybe you

Kate: Would.

Doree: How about fuck. Kill Donny. Joey Jordan.

Kate: Oh, okay. That's easy for me.

Doree: Let's hear it.

Kate: Think I, I would marry Joey.

Doree: Okay.

Kate: This is like now, right? This is not 1989.

Doree: Yes. This is now. This is now.

Kate: Okay. Yeah. I'd kill Donnie and fuck Jordan and marry Joey. Cuz Joey's the, still the sweetest baby. He's just the sweetest. He's so cute.

Doree: I think that's my answer too, actually.

Kate: And then I would like, I would have Jonathan renovate my house.

Doree: Totally.

Kate: And then I would ignore Danny <laugh>

Doree: Well, Kate, I think we should take a break on that.

Kate: Yeah. Let's let's hear from some listeners.

Doree: Okay. B

Kate: Well, Doree, we got this really interesting email in response to our conversation about kind of aging and perception and declaring how people, how old people look. Yeah. This is really true as hello. Hello friends. I had to pause the pod to send this email. When I heard you talking about the, you don't look X, you look Y trope. Mm. I have spent my entire adult life trying to not look young. I am 37 and will be 38 in July. I have a baby face and the following things have happened to me. In my thirties. A doctor asked me where my mother was to sign the paperwork for an MRI, a person coming door to door asked for my parent parentheses of the home that I own. I have been carded to my alcohol and lottery tickets. And I've been confused as the daughter of my best friend. Also 37. These situations are beyond embarrassing for me. I am a professional woman with a doctorate and looking young, almost certainly impacts how people perceive me. I scrutinize what I wear and how I do my hair and makeup every day to make sure I look appropriate and will be taken seriously. So please keep in mind that even if you think looking young is what everyone wants. You might act, be accidentally embarrassing someone.

Doree: Mm. This is thank you. This is a good reminder.

Kate: Very good reminder. We needed to hear this. And I think it's a really just the, it just hits it. Just reiterates. Don't comment on people's bodies looks appearances. None of

Doree: It. None of it.

Kate: And it's a, you have to train yourself because I again have told you I still do it. I will still comment.

Doree: So I have a question for you actually. Kate, how do you feel about like when you see someone, how do you feel like a friend? How do you feel about saying like, you look great.

Kate: I feel like I still want to do it.

Doree: I know me too. And now I'm questioning that.

Kate: I think it's the it's the, that could really mean anything. You look great. I love your essence. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Maybe we shouldn't do it at all.

Doree: I know that's this is my question.

Kate: But then what gets tricky is that we live in a world where these things are almost expected. And if you don't say anything, like for example, I was in a situation where I ran, I saw a friend who hadn't seen in a very long time and they had lost a lot of weight and I did not comment on it at all. And then I come to find out that this, that the person was like annoyed, that people weren't mentioning it.

Doree: Oh, interesting.

Kate: But in my opinion, like their body is not, has nothing to do with me. Right, right.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: I wouldn't, I don't wanna comment either way. So that was interesting, you know, I was like,

Doree: That's interesting.

Kate: Oh, oh shit. Okay. Um, but I'm still not going because that's like, my personal practice is to not like, I'm really, really trying to be considerate of how I talk about people just once and to others. So I dunno. Do I dunno? I dunno the answer.

Doree: These are tough questions. I would like to hear how people navigate this.

Kate: Do we still say you look great.

Doree: Let us know

Kate: And let us know.

Doree: Well, Kate, should I read this next email? I next text. I

Kate: Mean, yes, please. Don't okay.

Doree: Listening to mini F 3 0 8 and wanted to offer advice as an ER physician and one who recently had an allergic contact dermatitis to something I had been using. I started having dry skin in February and attributed it to winter. Hello, Chicago. But it was much worse than usual. I tried all kinds of things to fix it to no avail. When I went to Florida for my wedding, it got better. And that seemed to confirm my initial hypothesis. I got back after my honeymoon and the first day back I developed a full face, rash and peeling. It was horrible. I went to a DM, stopped using all my usual products that my face was only using Aquafor and steroids. Two weeks later after the rash had resolved and I had weaned on the steroids, I reintroduced my bios sunscreen in a small patch on my neck and 12 hours later of voila, a big red patch, two takeaways. One most of the time that you develop an allergic contact dermatitis, it is to a product you've already been using. You've now become sensitized to it. Two, the next skin is a nice place to patch test, not your face and skin to face three. I was very grateful. I packed different sunscreen for my wedding. Hope this helps

Kate: Fascinating.

Doree: Mm-hmm <affirmative>

Kate: And I thought this was so, first of all, I love the skincare regimen of Aquafor and S totally like, yes. Talk about minimalism. I love

Doree: It. I know

Kate: This is so interesting though, that you can become irritated by products that you've already they've

Doree: Even they've even been using. I know, right?

Kate: Yeah. This is so fascinating.

Doree: Bodies. Bodies are weird.

Kate: Bodies are fucking so weird. That's

Doree: All. I'll say bodies are weird.

Kate: They're so weird.

Doree: But yes. A good reminder also.

Kate: Yeah. And I do, I am like the worst in that I never patch test anything.

Doree: I know I'm really bad about patch testing

Kate: Too. Right? Like, I, I feel like that is something I should do, but I'm so impatient.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: But like, I'm also the person who buys new underwear from the store and then just puts it on without washing it. So,

Doree: Okay. You should not do that.

Kate: Why just don't it's too much work.

Doree: Yeah. You shouldn't do that.

Kate: Really? Why?

Doree: Because like the clothes you don't like, the clothes have been in warehouses. Like people have touched them. They just, I know, you know, they could like pick up a lot of stuff. It's just like, I, I, I just feel like you wanna,

Kate: Okay.

Doree: You wanna just wash up now, look, if you're in an emergency situation, like you went on a trip and you forgot underwear then. Sure. But I feel like if you were at home in your mm-hmm, <affirmative> like, you know, house standard environment. Mm-hmm <affirmative> then yes. Take the extra step.

Kate: Okay.

Doree: And wash underwear,

Kate: Please. Somebody out there tell me I'm not alone. Okay. I know.

Doree: Look, I used to do this too. I will admit, I used to, I mean, like if you get really gross, like I used to buy underwear from like the bin of filing's basement and just like, take it home and wear it and like, that's disgusting.

Kate: How was that gross? How is that gross?

Doree: Because it was like, not even in a package was

Kate: Just like, I know this just not bother me

Doree: Underwear that like people had been touching. Anyway. I

Kate: Know. I, I am. I don't I'm so O I, I don't know why that my OCD does not manifest about certain things and it does not. It like almost goes in the opposite direction where I'm like, who

Doree: Cares? That is interesting.

Kate: That is, it's not bizarre. I know. I know. And

Doree: Yet, like, you know, of course, nothing ever happened to me, but like, I feel like I hate that because then it's like, people are like, well, I never wore seatbelt. I never go in a crash.

Kate: I know. I know.

Doree: So I just wash just, you know, I just wash now.

Kate: Okay. Okay.

Doree: But look, Kate, you do you, what? I'm just, I just feel like I need to go on the record. You know, I just don't wanna let this comment go, you know, without registering

Kate: That you do

Doree: Watch. Yes. And that I would prefer that you wash, but that ultimately it is your decision. It is your body. You're the boss of your body.

Kate: Okay. Thank you, Doree.

Doree: You're welcome.

Kate: All right. Well, we've received this text message from another listener.

Text: Hi, Kat and Dor. I cannot gate keep this hack. Have you ever tried pimple patches on, in grown hairs? I had the most annoying ingrown on my inner thigh, right where my legs were together. I slapped a patch on there last night. And this morning when I peeled it off, it was to spare you all the gory details. The most satisfying in grown removal of my life. There was a pop that needed to happen, like a pimple. And then the inground hair was served to me right below as if on a silver platter. <laugh>

Doree: OK. First of all, why did you spare us the gory details?

Kate: We wanna know.

Doree: I want the gory details.

Kate: Oh my God. Though, this description really makes me laugh.

Doree: Shall I continue? Yes.

Kate: <laugh>

Text: I Gently, I gently pulled it out with tweezers, covered it up with some Neosporin and a bandaid. And after the light surgery moment, ingrow gone. No scarring, no residual redness and no further inflammation, like all my previous in experiences of just trying to hack around, down there with my fingers. And some bikini season is upon us. And this bikini line is feeling fine. Love you guys.

Kate: Oh, man. This just really killed me. Woo.

Doree: I I'm crying. This was, this was poetic

Kate: Silver platter. I don't know.

Doree: It's very good. It's very good. Look. It's very good.

Kate: I've never put a, I've never put a Pimple patch on an ingrown hair, but now I'm wondering why I've never tried this. This seems very logical.

Doree: I think this is genius. I also have never done this. Thank you for not gate keeping this hack. <laugh>

Kate: Yeah. I'm almost at the point where I want an ingrown hair so I can try

Doree: This just to try it. I, I hear you. Yes. I hear you.

Kate: Great suggestion.

Doree: That is such a good suggestion. I like, I love when people are creative with beauty tools like this.

Kate: Yeah. Well, you always forget that the things we use on our face can also be used on our body. It's like the person who puts serum on their butt. Totally. The listen, serums, their butt.

Doree: Well, you know, the, the hero, the brand, I mentioned a couple episodes ago that sent me all those pimple patches. They make one for body that is bigger.

Kate: Mm.

Doree: So, you know, you could put that in other places, I suppose.

Kate: I think that's a great idea. I, I appreciate that more and more brands are including body skincare. Mm-hmm <affirmative> because I, I do feel like when we were growing up, it was like soap and cream lotion. I never, I never thought about how I was taking care of my body skin.

Doree: No, same, same,

Kate: Oh boy. That was really, that really did it for me.

Doree: That was a journey that I enjoyed going on.

Kate: Me too, man. Oof. All right. Well, let's take a break and we are gonna hear from a few listeners about taking the bar and selfcare

Doree: All well, Kate let's kick things off with a voicemail.

Voicemail: Hi, I'm calling in response, um, listener who wrote in asking for, um, tips to help her sister who's studying for the bar exam. So I studied and took the bar exam back in, um, 2008 and it is really hell <laugh>. Um, so some things that would be helpful. Um, the, now I use something called the ULA, um, rose glow and get it BBO, which is like cooling and, um, brightening. And I use it now in the morning, like if I have had a late or haven't slept well, um, it feels really good. Um, but bar exam, a bar exam specific, um, I think a spa certificate for after the bar exam, because it's two really long days. And at the end, after months of studying in two or maybe three days of a bar exam, you just feel like physically and emotionally ripped. Um, so AAD certificate is great.

Voicemail: Um, the other thing that was really helpful is, um, some good friends of mine took me out for dinner the night before the bar exam, because I just felt like by like two or three o'clock the night with the day before I was done studying. So they took me out for an early dinner. Um, and we just, it was so nice to just be together and not talk about the bar. Um, and then also another friend of mine took me out to dinner right after the first day of the bar exam. So in between the two days, um, and that was also a really good way to just like get outta my head after the first day and just readjust and get my head in a good place, um, for the second day. So, um, just ask, you know, what kind, what kinds of support she feels like she needs, um, and whether she would like to be together, um, and just have some distractions either the night before or the days in between. Um, for me, that was just so helpful to just get out of my own head. Um, anyway, good luck to your sister. It is really a long haul, but I am here on the other side and I can tell you it can be done. Thanks so much. Bye.

Doree: Aw, this is so sweet. What a great, what a, what great suggestions.

Kate: What great friends. Yeah.

Doree: What great friends.

Kate: I do love friends who are just like, Hey, listen, we're rallying around you. Yeah. Whether you like it or not.

Doree: Yeah, totally.

Kate: And I think what we're gonna find through all of these, um, messages from people is that food is a real food is really helpful.

Doree: Mm-hmm <affirmative>.

Kate: helping people feed themselves so that they don't have to put much thought into it is so great. Like here's what, here's what another listener said. Bar exam support suggestion. When I was studying for the bar, my mother-in-law a retired lawyer delivered two huge grocery bags of trader Joe's treats, all sorts of goodies. She also included some regular groceries and TJ's body products, just so that I wouldn't have to think about going to the store for a while.

Doree: Hmm.

Kate: She also pointed out, excuse me, this also pointed out that, that the mother-in-law wasn't even her mother-in-law, excuse me. Wasn't even their mother-in-law at this time, they were like just dating their partner. So that was very nice. Wow. I know. Right.

Doree: That's amazing.

Kate: Here's another text we got Doree. Shall I read this baby

Doree: Please?

Text: Hi, Kat and Dor while I'm not a lawyer. I am in the latter half of my PhD and the stress of oral comprehensive exams is real for me in the last couple of months of studying, leading up to my exam. One of the biggest stress relievers was not having to cook dinner. See, there we go. I was fortunate that at the time my partner was able to pick up the slack and took care of me by making up us dinner every night. Honestly, without him, I probably would've been living on a hodgepodge of whatever I could find in the fridge. It was just so nice to not have to worry about food during that time, depending on where the collar lives in relation to her sister, maybe she could have her over for dinner bonus points for sending her home with leftovers or have a meal delivered to her to give her one less thing to think about. I also started giving myself a facial massage at night before bed. I would use cocoa kinds, oil to milk cleanser on dry skin. As my oil. I carried a lot of tension in my jaw, especially when I'm on my computer all day. And I found it so relaxing to make that time to release the stress that I was holding in my facial muscles. It was so nice to be able to turn my brain off for those few minutes before bed. Best of luck to the caller sister on her exam. Well, I think you heard by the amount of moans that Doree released during that,

Doree: <laugh> just sounds perfect.

Kate: I know, I wonder if you used any tools or if you were just like pitter patterning with your fingers. Oh, that does feel good. Actually. I'm doing it right now. My jaw is so clenched. Oh. You know, just

Doree: It's clenched

Kate: Great suggestions of this stuff. Any sort of like, or test that you have to study for. Ugh.

Doree: Yeah.

Kate: Just Ugh.

Doree: Just Ugh. Well, Kate

Kate: Time to say tootle-oot

Doree: Yeah. I think that brings us to the end of ye old show.

Kate: Oh my God. Doree, someone sent us a text message. It was just a photograph of like a, a building. And on, on, there was a sign on it and it just said, ye old wood shed. And I laughed so hard. This is just a listener just sent this photo. And they said, ha, ha ha. I walked past it and chuckled to myself and then made my friends wait for me while I went back and took a picture for my BFFs Kat and Dor.

Doree: Aww.

Kate: I, just Love, like I saw this and I was like, oh my God, a ye old wood shed. Ugh. Just made me made Mele.

Doree: Just perfect.

Kate: Well, as do I said, it's time for ye old show to end.

Doree: It is. Bye everyone.

Kate: Bye.